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What a day at the theme park with Jeonghan would be;

• you are there a few minutes before the park even opens

• he let's you sleep during the car ride to the park

• while he just smiles at you but tries to focus on the street

• what is not working since you're too adorable to look away

• when you're there he pays the tickets

• he always intertwines your hand with his

• "Are you happy, jagiya?"

• You two celebrate so hard when you enter the theme park

• one motto; "We will do EVERY ride"

• you even ride the small rides but they are actually quite fun

• on the carousel he takes aesthetic pictures of you

• on the more romantic rides he takes your hand and places soft kisses on your lips

• and says cheesy but cute stuff

• shows you he loves you

• actually shows the other visitors as well

• "Do you want to take a break of walking?"

• if you say yes, he buys something to drink and sits down on a bench with you

• he puts his hands around you so you kinda cuddle

• it's cute af

• if you say no, he just takes you to the next ride

• on the extreme rides like a 90 metres high free fall tower (falcon's fury at Busch gardens Tampa and I speak from experience) he holds your hand tight

• if you are scared to ride it he begs you to ride it tough

• you can't resist his puppy eyes

• he tries to calm you down by telling you cute or funny things

• he holds your hand tight and let's you scream your lungs out while being on the ride (tbh he screams too but in excitement)

• if you like it you two ride it 7 times in a row or more

• you two become extreme rollercoaster freaks (he is already XD)

• if you are not scared and even excited you two literally run there and enter while celebrating and being happy

• he holds your hand during the ride though

• you two scream in excitement

• on the top of the tower "Yasss, finally!! Woooooooo!!!!! Best Day ever!!!!!!"

• laughing or smiling or doing possible poses for the camera

• you ride this like a million times

• he buys the pic no matter how it is

• looks at the pic "This is important,
Y/n. I want to remember this day forever."

• he checks if your seatbelts on each ride are tight enough

• then pushes it down so you're squeezed in there even tighter

• "Jeonghan, this is too tight."

• "At least you're safe now."

• doesn't want you to get hurt at all so he takes extra care

• between the rides he always asks if you are hungry

• if yes he buys some food he thinks you like

• if no he is like "You gotta eat, I don't want you to faint."

• always has hair ties for both of you (for the extreme rides or else your hair will die and you can be ready to cut it)

• spends the whole day there with you

• sometimes random kisses or hugs while walking

• he drives home since you're too tired to drive carefully

• actually he's tired too but someone has to bring you home

• at home you look through the pics of the day and laugh or talk about them

• puts the best ones into a frame and hangs it on the wall

• is obviously happy about it

• you two fall asleep cuddling

• or just in random positions cause you're too tired to keep up

• depends

• best day ever

*******hehhehe I'm an extreme rollercoaster freak as well********

600 words

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