Halloween Special

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(A/N); Happy Halloween My Angels!😇 Enjoy this day of Joy and Fear and be happy! Please support my other halloween special in my Kpop Imagines book! I put a lot of effort in it! Tbh, this is difficult to write for me because I get scared easily but guess; my best friend has schizophrenia and told me a lot about it so here I'm using it for a story!

"Don't close your eyes.", this deep voice in your head whispered. It happened almost constantly. Schizophrenia has been haunting you your entire life already. Always you could tell that things are not real. It whispered again. You stood up to get your pills.

You were trying to move as less as possible since you didn't want to wake your boyfriend up. Jeonghan was sleeping tight. He knew about your schizophrenia already. Jeonghan was the one to distract you of it a lot. He did everything to make you feel more comfortable. Luckily you managed to stand up without waking him.

You walked into the kitchen to get some pills against these voices. "Don't go into the kitchen.", The voice said. You ignored it and went there. Then you realized you should have listened to it. Your schizophrenia once again let you see some creepy creature what made you feel very scared of course. You ability to move seemed to be gone. These red eyes were staring at you. The rest was only a silhouette. "H-Help me.", You tried to say but to whom? You weren't quite sure either. It was like an attack. Not being able to move, speak, scream, even blink. Suddenly you could move again. "Run to your bed.", The voice in your head advised you to. You ran to your bed where Jeonghan was sleeping. Your whole body was shaking. Jeonghan suddenly woke up and turned around to you "Are you okay? What's wrong?". When he saw you shaking he realized it's an attack. He immediately sat up and wanted to put his hand on your shoulder. "Please n-not. Don't touch me right now.", You said weakly. Immediately he removed his hand again.

Your boyfriend looked if you had taken pills already but you didn't. He ran into the kitchen to get the pills and returned with them. Jeonghan handed them to you, you ate them. That made you calm down a bit. You thanked him still weakly but a little bit better. "Have you seen it too?", You asked Jeonghan. He tried to remember back to when he got the pills for you "No. What was happening?". "Some red eyes creature which I could only see the shadows of was staring at me.", You told him. While you were explaining it to him he widened his eyes and poked your arm several times. "D-Do you know anything bout these creatures?", he asked nervously. You knew a lot about paranormal stuff due to your schizophrenia. "No.", You answered honestly.

Next moment he ran to the light switch and turned on the lights. Confused you looked at him "What's wrong?". He sat down next to you "No-Nothing.". You looked at the bed "You saw it too, didn't you?". He sighed "How do you know?". You moved your shoulders giving him this i-don't-know look.

Suddenly scratching sounds caught your attention. Jeonghan heard it too. "I have enough!", he stated groaning and stood up. He trampled over to the door and saw the red eyed thing behind it. He turned on the lights in this room as well. You were afraid something could happen to him and hid under the blanket.

Suddenly you could hear him laughing. Shyly you took off the covers and looked at him. He returned into your bedroom with something in his hands. He smiled at you "You remember the cat which was running around in the garden? Seems like she found a way into our house.". Jeonghan walked over to the bed and sat down the black cat on it. The cat meowed several times making you go "Aww". You started stroking her a bit to comfort her. All of a sudden you were happy again, knowing it's just a cat. Jeonghan sat down next to you and also stroked the pet.

You were grinning at him the entire time until he looked up to you and asked why you were staring like that. "Hm...You were quite shocked before, weren't you?", You teased him. He opened his mouth in shock of what you've said but let out a laugh afterward "Honestly, yes. You deserve all my respect for living like that each and every day.". You smiled at him "You are making my daily life a lot better and happier.".

795 words

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