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Part 2 of 0.6!!!!

It was 2 days ago since that shit with your parents happened. Your dad still didn't appreciate Jeonghan but neither of you cared anymore. But your parents still lived at the dorm.

It was early morning when you woke up on the couch laying next to the most important person of your life. Your angel of course. You kissed his forehead as a good morning but he didn't wake up. You went into the kitchen to make breakfast even though you weren't a good cooker. You weren't sure why you wanted to make breakfast for Jeonghan but you just felt like it that moment.

A few minutes later you served the breakfast. It didn't even look that bad. You walked over to your bed to wake Cheonsa up. You leaned over him and placed a soft kiss on his cheek. He slowly moved. The first thing he saw was your beautiful face. A smile appeared on his face. He placed a kiss on your lips and stood up from bed. You led him to the table. He got greeted with a nice looking breakfast. His reaction was a cute kiss again.

You sat down and ate peacefully. It seriously tasted awesome. Your angel was more than impressed by your cooking skills. Your mom passed the dining room and saw you two eating and looking at each other dreamily. She walked over to you two ruffling your head. "Never leave him.", she said making you and Jeonghan smile. She next ruffled Jeonghan's head too "Thanks for being awesome to her.". He smiled and thanked her when she left.

A while later you were laying in bed cuddling with Jeonghan. You turned on music. Suddenly a VERY romantic song came on. You stood up inviting him for a dance. He happily accepted. He spun you around, kissed you and did uncountable more cute stuff. The dance ended with a cute kiss.

When you sat down you noticed his unusual behavior. He was clearly thinking about something.

A while later he stood up making you follow him. He left the flat with you. You were definitely confused and asked him where you went. "I said I would take you to the park soon again. I was bored so I thought we go there now.", Jeonghan answered. You were kinda thankful.

Soon you arrived at the park. Again you were stunned by all the beautiful cherry blossoms. You two held each other's hands tight and walked.

Suddenly he stopped walking. Confused was the word which described you. You looked at him that way. He just smirked. You could see he was nervous.

He suddenly went down on one knee and took your hand. He shortly kissed the back of your hand and smiled.

"I love you more than anything. And I don't know how many times I gotta say this. But I know I want to tell you for the rest of my life. And I know I want to wake up next to you, kiss you, hug you, spend time with you my whole life. I need you.", he said pulling out a tiny black box of his pocket.

"Will you be mine forever?", he asked hopefully smiling like never before.

You cupped your hands over your mouth close to crying because of happiness. You couldn't believe what you've just heard. A tear of joy rolled down your cheek, Jeonghan smiling at you hopefully. When you removed your hands you said "It would be my biggest dream. I will.". He stood up with the biggest smile you've ever seen. He was maybe thinking the same bout your smile. He put the engagement ring onto your finger and locked your eyes with his. You hugged each other tight followed by a deep kiss. Angels exist. Jeonghan exists.

When you returned at home with a big smile, hands intertwined and with a ring on your finger the boys immediately knew what happened. They jumped up, congratulated you and hugged you. It was still pretty early but the boys cheering was too loud.

Your parents woke up and came into the living room. "What the fuck is happening?", your dad asked rubbing his eye. All of you just smiled and waited for your dad to realize your ring. As he saw it his jaw dropped open. You just laughed at it. He walked over to you and took the hand with the ring on it. He looked at it. "Isn't it awesome?!", You said happy as never before. "You're really getting married.", your dad said weakly. When Jeonghan saw your dad's expression he tried to explain it. "I actually planned to wait a little longer but I couldn't hold it back. It was the perfect moment to propose. I'm happy I'm going to spend my life with my Princess.", Jeonghan explained it squeezing your hand to show it was now his. Your dad sighed a little bit "If it is what makes Y/N happy. I'm happy as long as she's happy.". All of you immediately smiled. You hugged your dad tight. Your dad looked at Jeonghan wanting to accept him as a new family member so he hugged your boyfriend. Cheonsa was a little surprised but hugged back. Finally he got appreciated. The whole room cheered again. Your mom came and celebrated with you. She was a literal sunshine that moment.

Jeonghan's and your laugh united and your eyes locked in each others. You were meant to be together and now you would spend the rest of your life with the perfect partner.

934 words

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