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Emotionless. For years already. Why? How it happened?

When you were 11 years old your parents both had to go to jail since they've robbed a bank and hurt some people. You went to your uncle and aunt with your little annoying cousins. You were literally done. Your cousins annoyed you constantly and your uncle and aunt hit or insulted you. Within the time you got sadder and sadder, emotionless. You started to wear only black clothes or dress up as emo. You stopped talking, smiling, laughing. And so many more things. Most likely the reasons you haven't had any friends. After 2 years your parents got free. Actually. But they didn't want to take care of you anymore. They moved away without you. Without even telling you. This didn't lift your mood.

You were walking home from school when it suddenly started pouring. You didn't care very much but it wasn't comfortable either. You were crossing a street when someone accidentally bumped into you and spilled his hot coffee on your body. You fell down hissing in pain of the hot drink. "I'm so sorry, please let me help you.", a wonderful voice said. When you looked up to the person's face the time seemed to stop. These eyes, this mouth, this nose, this whole face, this man. You immediately forgot your pain for a second. His prettiness seemed to heal you. An unusual feeling fulfilled your body. Kind of a nice feeling like love. Love on first sight, you already had a huge crush on him.

But suddenly the time continued. This man took your arm and pulled you to the walkway. You were literally laying on the street before. You looked at the boy again, getting this feeling again. He had a worried look on his face.

"I'm so so sorry. I hope you're not hurt. Are you okay?", he said hyperventilating a bit.

"It's fine, I am fine.", You suddenly said. These were your first words in an eternity. You even forgot what your voice sounded like. When he checked on you and saw your arms his eyes widened and he put his hands over his face.

"That doesn't look good at all.", he admitted now shivering slightly. As you noticed the burns on your arm you got shocked quickly. You tried to touch the wounds but that made you pull your arm away again and hiss in pain. At least you tried to stay calm. The man's reaction turned even more shocked and worried meanwhile.

"C'mon, you gotta go to the hospital. I'll drive you there.", he suggested going to his car. You followed him without saying anything. When you entered the car you saw your other arm bleeding from the fall. Very bad thing. Seeing blood was your weakness. You tapped the boy's arm making him look at your wounds before you only saw black anymore and unfortunately fainted. He stopped the car, panicking more than before. He checked if you were breathing what you luckily did. No time to drive to the hospital. The boy called the ambulance.

The next moment you could remember was that you woke up on a hospital bed. You looked around confused until you saw this boy sitting on a chair next to your bed. He was totally happy you were awake. His eyes widened and a smile appeared on his face. The most precious smile you've ever seen.

"You may don't know me but I couldn't be happier you're okay now. I was already scared you wouldn't wake up.", he said now happy leaning over to hug you. You were kinda surprised. You've last hugged someone before your parents went to jail. You felt overwhelmed by his touch at first but you realized it wasn't bad at all. You put your hands around him a little insecure, you really hugged someone. And it put a smile on your lips. When he let go of you you noticed something. He looked very tired.

"Why are you so tired?", You asked still a bit weaker than you would usually do. But you didn't talk usually so it was a beginning. You really spoke again.

"I waited for you to wake up. So I stayed here."

"For how long?"

"You were asleep for 40 hours altogether."

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