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"Do I really have to attend this?", your best friend Hyeonji asked you. You rolled your eyes with a laugh "Yes, you have to!". She let out a sound of whining what made you laugh and pull her with you. It was a party you took her to. The boy who hosted it was known all around the place, so was his name 'Vernon'. You also knew the boy pretty well, you could almost call it friendship. He invited you to his house party since he knew how great you are at partying. You seriously were a great one but you could always notice the limits. Plus you've never been drunk.

Hyeonji tried to fight against it but that seemed to make no sense. As soon as you entered the party someone excitedly hugged you from aside. It was Vernon. You greeted him with a smile and began some smalltalk since you hadn't seen each other for quite a while.

Everyone there enjoyed the party. Dancing, singing karaoke, making new friends and so much more.

You were sitting on the couch talking to some friends you just made. Your hand reached one of the glasses on the table next to you. You took it and took a sip of the liquid in there. You were so focused on the conversation you were holding that you didn't notice what you are drinking is alcohol. It wasn't even something soft, it was strong. Something that made people drunk very fast.

After the first glass you weren't 100% sober anymore. With a laugh you told Vernon to get you another glass of it. The boy returned with the drink in his hand about a minute later and so you next emptied this glass. And that's how the evening became funnier and funnier. After 4 drinks you were completely done. That wasn't 'not sober' anymore, that was clearly 'drunk'.

Hyeonji already left the party since she got bored. Most people left at 1am. An hour later everyone was gone except for you. You just laid on that couch sleeping. Vernon cleaned up his place meanwhile. He just let you lay there but he was lowkey worried. It was only Vernon and his crew who were cleaning up. The crew consisted of some boys You didn't know; Jeonghan, Jun, Hoshi, Wonwoo.

After they were finished cleaning Vernon had to think about how to get you home. Your parents would most likely kill him if he brought you home like that. Vernon wasn't able to let you stay overnight, neither was Wonwoo, Hoshi or Jun. Letting you go home like that wasn't an option either. Jeonghan raised his arm to get attention "I could let her stay overnight at my home.". The boys thanked him.

Jeonghan packed your bag meanwhile again, at least he put in everything he thought is yours. Next he walked over to the couch. Jeonghan gently tried to wake you up by poking your arm. After the maybe 30th time you slowly opened your eyes. Jeonghan smiled at you, hoping you're almost sober again. But that was a fail. You weren't sober. You started talking some weird stuff making Jeonghan burst out into laughter. He helped you to stand up but as he noticed the only thing you're able of is to amble around. Before you could fall over he fortunately caught you. After short brainstorming he had the idea to just take you bridal style. That was honestly the easiest way. And that's how he brought you to his home.

You were still talking some totally stupid stuff what made Jeonghan laugh or at least giggle. A short time later you arrived at his apartment. Since you fell asleep in his hands again. It was maybe a horror for him to open the door without using hands but he did that for your sake.

This literal angel laid you on his bed as soon as you went into the bedroom. Jeonghan took off your shoes. He gently laid your weak body on his double sized bed. Next he covered you up with some fluffy blankets and put a pillow under your head. That was an act of an actual angel. He smiled at how peacefully you're sleeping. Since it was 3am and a hard day behind he decided to go to sleep as well. He did his night routine and laid down next to you. Because you were cuddled up in the blankets he stayed without. So he slept without covers that night.

He couldn't sleep anyway. Not only because of the blanket problem, more cause of your constantly ringing phone. At one point he took the cellphone and tried to think about your password. And he managed to unlock it within a minute. Jeonghan opened your mom's and your chat to reply to her messages. She always asked how you are. Jeonghan just answered with one message "Don't worry, I'm fine and home this evening since I am staying overnight at a friend's". Not even interested in your other chats he closed the app and put your phone in your bag again. Finally he could lay down.

At 8am you slowly opened your eyes. This sudden unknown surrounding made you wince "Where the fuck am I?". Suddenly someone touched your back making you wince a second time. "Good morning! Are you feeling better already?", this boy you didn't even know yet asked you. He was still laying on his side of the bed now stretching. You were more than confused "Yeah, I feel better now. Who are you? And why am I here?". He giggled running through his hair "Let's just say it was a fun party last night and you got a little drunk.". Now you knew why you felt a little like throwing up. You pressed your eyelids together and touched your head, letting the body sink onto the bed again. "I'm sorry for making so many circumstances. I feel bad for it. Thank you for taking care of me.", You thanked and apologized at the same time. He ruffled your head "I'm glad I could help. And it's nice to hear the real you right now. Yesterday I could only hear the drunk you." and giggled afterwards.

Jeonghan went to the kitchen to get you some medicine against the feeling of throwing up, water and light food. You appreciated that a lot when you saw all that. A smile appeared on your face and you giggled "Okay, how can I make that up to you?". He sat down next to you "By staying here today.". With your mouth filled with some food you asked "What? I want to make it up to you not making more effort.". He took a sip of his water and looked at you afterward "What could I want more than spending the day with you?". This made you even more confused "You don't even know anything about me yet.". Jeonghan laughed "I know a lot about you. Thank Vernon.". You widened your eyes. Shocked. "Why would you want to know about me?", You asked him not knowing what to expect. He sighed with a hidden giggle "Because he told so much about you. With each story and detail I got mor interested. You are such a fascinating human. And honestly, I'm not sure how Vernon managed to not fall for you even though he knows you personally. I fell for you already when I heard your stories or saw pictures.". You couldn't really catch that. But he just really confessed. Your mind and heart were overwhelmed. You couldn't be with someone you just got to know. But then you suddenly realized something. You looked around in the room to see the food and drink he made for you, the medicine he bought, your packed bag and the messages to your mom, the many blankets and pillows, the fact that he slept without blankets and the fact that he brought you to his home and gave you an accommodation. A slight smile appeared on your lips. Jeonghan wasn't looking at you anymore cause he thought you wouldn't say yes anyway. But you tapped his shoulder making him look up to your face. Smiling you placed your arms around his neck "I don't think words can explain it.". You pressed your lips against his making him go confused but happy at the same time. He leaned in immediately.

Yup, another evidence of angels existence.

1410 words

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