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With teary eyes you've been staring at the sheet of paper in front of you. The paper was the maths test you had written before. It was the most important test that semester since it should prevent you from failing class. This exam was the only chance to pass the 8th class ad you messed it up.

"Miss Yang, something has to be wrong. Y/N didn't study so hard to get an F. This test is supposed to be an E at least.", your best friend, Dino, told the teacher as he stood up from his seat. The teacher gave him a warning glare making him sit down carefully again. Being totally annoyed and helpless at the same time you cupped your hands over your face, wiped away some tears and sighed afterward. Your wish was to throw the day into the bin if that would have been possible.

A few hours of despairing later you could finally head home. As soon as you stepped out of the building it started pouring all of a sudden. The day couldn't have become worse. When you took out your umbrella of the bag Dino's mind lighted up. "What will your parents say?", he asked curiously but with some worries. You hadn't thought about that yet. The scenario of how everything could turn out left you shocked. "Uh...I'll just go to the cafe now. It's a place I can think better at.", You answered. The boy nodded, said goodbye and left.

Actually, your plan was not to go to the cafe. In fact, your only wish was to go home but that sounded easier than it is. Slowly you were walking home in the rain. As you stood in front of your home the scenarios appeared in your head again. You didn't want to get into any trouble so your decision was to turn around and not go home. You went to the park nearby and sat down on a wet bench there. Seeing the heavy raindrops fall onto the green leaves of the trees made you calm down very well. Suddenly your phone's ringtone interrupted the silence of the park.

"Where are you?", your brother, Seungcheol, asked through the phone before even greeting you. "At the park. I don't dare to come home.", was your only reply what left Seungcheol confused. Finally, he realized what you were talking about. "You failed the test? How can that even be true? You've been studying so hard.", your caring brother said. You didn't respond in any way. He sighed "Come home soon. It's cold outside, don't get sick.". Next moment he canceled the phone call. On one side the day was a fail but at least you had a caring brother who did almost everything for you.

Though you kept sitting there and looking around. It was for sure the most relaxing moment of the day. Right while you were enjoying the silence the phone rang once more. This time it was only this annoying sound it made if a message arrived. You checked out the phone to see a WhatsApp from your boyfriend.

Don't be sad

Shock ran through your sloppy body when you saw that message. Of course, you didn't want him to worry about you so you played the role of the pretty and dumb.

What do you mean?
There's no reason to be sad

I mean cuz of your test
And you know that


Don't be sad

But I failed my test and I can't even go home
My parents would send me to the streets for the rest of the week anyway if they
found out about my grade

Jeonghan knew about the difficulties you had to live with at home. He knew it's true, the thing with the streets.

Come to me
Let Seungcheol tell your parents about your grade
I don't want you to be in the cold rain

Without much thinking, you sent a message saying 'okay' since you were really getting cold already. Next moment you grabbed your stuff and made your way to your boyfriend's home. You knew that he was someone you could trust forever. After getting the grip to you called Seungcheol and told him the plan. Being the nice brother he was he accepted.

As soon as you arrived at Jeonghan's home he greeted you with a tight hug. "Don't be sad, baby.", he whispered into your ear as you hugged back. With your face nuzzled into his chest, you nodded. The boy gently stroke your back and placed some soft kisses on your head. That made you smile truly. After the hug, Jeonghan led you to the couch so you sat down and placed your phone on the table in front of you. "Let's just watch TV.", he suggested, you nodded agreeing. So you two cuddled up in a fuzzy blanket together and watched your favorite show.

Not even an hour later it rang on the door. A quiet groan escaped your mouth when you stood up to open the door. "Who disturbs m- Seungcheol?!", You said in a surprised way as you opened the door. He fake smiled at you "Hi, Sis. Hi, Jeonghan. Do you maybe have a room available for me to stay in tonight?". Jeonghan nodded in unison with you and let your brother in. Still being confused you asked him why he was here. "Our parents were somehow mad at me because of Y/N's bad grade for some unexplainable reason.", he explained to the two of you. The eyes widened at this, still you expected something similar to happen before already. You brought him some food while Jeonghan let him move into his new room. Somehow you were feeling extremely guilty what was relatable. To make it up to him you tried to make his time as comfortable as possible.

Later on, all of you spent some time cuddling on the couch again. Not a long time later you dozed off.

When you woke up Jeonghan greeted you with a kiss and warm smile. Your mind knew something's fishy if he's suddenly smiling like that. When you checked up on your phone you saw some missed calls from an unknown number. "Call back.", Jeonghan advised you to. Being more confused than the entire day before you did what he said. The voice on the other side of the phone was your teacher's voice. Miss Yang was talking to you.

"M-Miss Yang? What's wrong?", You asked in a shocked way.

"Don't worry, Y/N. I'm here to tell you some good news. You can pass the class.", she answered in a friendly tone.

"Wh-What?! Really?!"


"How come?!"

"I made a mistake with correcting your test. Exercise 12 was right. So instead of 3 points you deserve the full 7 points. That means your test is actually an E."

You couldn't realize it. Did that just really happen?! Yes, it did. Tears of joy ran down your cheeks which Jeonghan wiped away with his sleeve and a smile on his lips. You said goodbye to the teacher and quitted the call. You were too happy to sit still so you started jumping up and down. Your boyfriend and brother joined you of course. You asked how that was even possible to happen. Jeonghan laughed slightly "I called Miss Yang because I saw that one exercise was corrected wrong. What you had written was right. So I told her that.". Again something you couldn't believe at all. Excitedly you hugged him tight and pressed your lips against his. All of you were totally happy of course. "The only sad thing is that you could go home now again.", Jeonghan pouted. You laughed and cuddled up under the blanket again "I don't want to go home now. I'll stay a little longer.". This made him smile so he joined you.

You knew Jeonghan would do everything for you, that's what he proved that day.

1340 words

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