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"What if I do something you'd never think of?", You asked your parents in a serious and pissed way. You stood in front of them giving them your death glare. They just looked at you in disappointment but also careless. "You don't dare doing anything like that anyway.", your dad told you. You raised your eyebrow and smirked "You think so?". Their reaction was only eye rolling.

You fought with depression for quite a while already when this argument between your parents and yourself happened. Why this one freaking 'lil' fight evaluated? They were complaining about you never telling them anything. You didn't do that cause they always just insulted or made you down. You couldn't stand that any longer so you started to ignore them and don't tell them anything. One day it happened like that.

Dad: "Why can't you just tell us what you need or think again?!"

You: "I don't know, I just can't! I don't trust you anymore!"

D: "Just tell me what's wrong with you already!"

You: "Okay! Okay! I got depressions for a while now! Only cause of you and the reasons I always tell you! Here you go!"

D: "C'mon, Y/N! You're overreacting again! You don't have depressions! You get hurt only of the truth; that you're worth nothing."

That's the day you DEFINITELY stopped trusting them. That was 2 weeks ago, weeks you haven't talked to them a single word.

Back in present:
You took your small backpack and went through the door. You called your boyfriend Jeonghan you were on your way to him. He accepted it of course. It was already late night but the 24/7 opened shops still had their lights on. With some tears rolling down your cheeks you noticed one bright shining store next to the walkway. You looked at the sign saying "Beer 1$". You weren't a drinker, you were only 17 years old. You thought about it a minute until you just sighed "It's fine. Only one beer.". You got inside and ordered one. You sat down on a chair there and scrolled through your phone. Time went on, you forgot about meeting up with Jeonghan. You only texted him. But somehow you ordered more and more. Until you were at your 5th beer (idk how much beer to drink to get drunk, I never was). You were officially not sober anymore. The assistant didn't sell more beer to you. Luckily.

I'm at yous ina minuet

Umm, jagiya?
You fine?


Why aren't you already at my home?
Where are you?
What did you do?

I just gad a lityle fun


You kniw, drinkinh a bit
Some beeerss


Not mycj

You were about to cross a street while texting Jeonghan. Suddenly it happened. A car hit you. Everything went black, you were in kind of coma.

Jeonghan POV
"Why isn't she responding?", I asked myself cause she hadn't been online for 20 minutes already. I started to worry but put my phone away, trying to calm down.

Nobody POV
Jeonghan sat at home waiting for your response. His phone suddenly rang. He immediately accepted the call which said it was from you.

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