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It was the 4th of October so you knew it was a special day. A VERY important day. What day? Your boyfriend's birthday!

You were at the LA airport when you waited for your luggage to arrive. Jeonghan was on tour for about 2 months already and you actually stayed home at Seoul. But you couldn't leave your boyfriend alone on his special day, right? So you decided to surprise him by visiting him. You thought about it again when your finally coming luggage ripped you out of this daydream.

You took your suitcases and left the airport. "Finally I'm in LA!", You yelled as you breathed the air for the first time. You always wanted to visit this place and here was the opportunity. You took the next taxi and drove to the concert hall. Svt would have a performance that evening so you had to be there. In the first row of course. The manager was at least nice enough to get you these places.

You drove off to this hall and went to the first row. You only waited for the boys to start performing. When they did, your plan started.

First of all your eyes got heart shaped when you saw your boyfriend again. They performed pretty u at the moment, your fav song ever. You happily lip synced to the song. Jeonghan still hadn't noticed you.

After the song ended You yelled "I love you, Cheonsa! Happy Birthday!". Your voice was loud enough to be heard on stage. Jeonghan's facial expression turned confused since he recognized your voice immediately. You jumped up and down until your boyfriend finally noticed you.

He cupped his hands over his face and run off the stage right to you. He immediately gave you a very tight hug. You hugged back whispering "Happy birthday, I hope the present is acceptable" into his ear. Jeonghan stroked your cheek gently "I couldn't imagine a better gift". Right after this sentence he kissed you passionately. Carats already knew about your relationship and most of them supported it. You leaned in as soon as you realized it. Both of you had the widest and truest smile on your mouth.

You gave the manager a sign to bring the cake. Jeonghan was a little surprised but appreciated it. "I've been thinking bout you all the time.", You told him when he cut the cake smiling. "I couldn't even concentrate on anything.", Jeonghan admitted still smiling. Jeonghan and you got the first piece of cake of course. It was the best present you could give him. And you two were more than happy about it.

440 words

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