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(A/N); It's Carat's Birthday today AND Valentines day so I thought I should make something svt related! AND HAPPY CARAT DAY!❤️💎

(Bias name) - insert your svt bias name!

While you were calmly sitting at your desk and drinking your hot chocolate on that freezing afternoon, your mom entered the room. The woman gave you a sweet smile what of course made you grin back at her. When she sat down on your bed a question seemed to come up in her mind. "Tomorrow is already Valentines day, you know. What are you going to do this year?", she asked with curiosity written in her face. Quickly you gave her a question, thinking look until you sighed "Probably going to the cinema with Hyeonji again. Like every year.". Despite the actual sadness hidden behind your fake smile you managed to make your mom laugh. She told you to search a boyfriend what you reacted to with a sarcastic laugh. You would have loved to be in a relationship but nobody wanted you. At least that's the way you had seen it for so long already.

Only a few hours later you got hungry and evaluated an urge to eat some fast food. Okay, McDonald's. After you had told your mom you'd go out she wanted you to buy something to eat for her as well. With a laugh you left your beloved flat.

Although it was 8pm McDonald's was opened. Of course, you had expected no one to be there at this time. And there seriously was nobody. Not a single customer.

Suddenly a human being appeared behind the counter. "OMG, a new employee!", Your mind shouted at you as soon as you could see the person for the first time. It was honestly so rare to see new staff there.

The boy smiled at you in a kind way "Hello! What would you like to order?". You weren't used to such a service. Quickly you ordered your food, in the next second the boy was already cooking it. Standing in front of the counter, watching the new employee working, he suddenly started speaking again.

"So, what is a cute girl like you doing on the streets alone at this time?", He asked while sending you another grin.

"Um, just got hungry and my mom also wants food.", You answered with a giggle.

"Oh, it's nice of you to do that for your mom. By the way, how am I doing as a newbie here?"

"You're doing great in my opinion. I've never gotten such a service here before."

"Haha, that's good to hear. Anyways, any plans for Valentines day?"

"Unfortunately not. Probably just going somewhere with my best friend."

"A girl like you deserves a boyfriend. The kindest out of all."

You blushed at this comment, making him giggle cutely. Being polite, you thanked him. After he had reached you the bag of food he asked if you wanted to stay or go home with the burgers. Without hesitation you said you'd stay for a little longer. That made you earn a laugh from him. So the two of you sat down at a table there and enjoyed your food.

"Am I your last customer for today?", You asked since nobody even passed the restaurant.

He laughed silently "Yup. My shift ended a few minutes ago, actually."

"Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't want you to stay longer because of me."

"Haha, doesn't matter. What's your name?"

"Y/N. What about you?"

"(Bias name)"

And that's how the conversation began rolling. An hour and a half had gone by already when your mom called you. The only thing she told you was that she's worrying since you were gone that long. After all she wanted you to come home. (Bias name) lightly grabbed your arm "I can take you home.". Being surprised as barely ever before, you accepted with a smile.

A deep talk while walking through the empty streets. The best walk you could imagine. (Bias name) seemed to be an amazingly nice guy who you befriended with in less than two hours. What a goal.

A few minutes later you arrived at your apartment. (Bias name) accompanied you until you were standing a metre in front of the door. You wanted to say goodbye but before you had the chance to, he asked something.

"Is it very important to go out with your friend tomorrow? Or could you exchange that?"

"Of course I could. Why?"

"Do you want to go out tomorrow? You know, Valentines Day and that stuff."

"Yeah, why not. So it's a date?"

This mischievous grin appeared on your lips. He nervously rubbed his neck but had the bravery to admit it then. All of a sudden your teeth were showing due to your wide smile. "Tomorrow at 11am? First heading for lunch in a fancier restaurant and then going to the cinema?" He suggested. What else could you do than accepts with happiness and hug the boy.

After a goodbye for the day you went inside to your mom. Her food logically got cold already but she didn't mind a lot. Like assumed, she asked you what had happened. And as you told her, she basically began squealing because of happiness.

Although your friend wasn't happy about cancelling your Meetup but she was glad for you at the same time. At 10 o'clock you woke up on the next day. Your mom had to attend her office that day despite the fact that it was Valentines Day. When you walked into the living room you remembered to check for mails, letters and packages. Like each morning. Unexpectedly, what you could find in front of your door was a bunch of Roses. Plus a little letter laying next to it. It was cute af. But now you truly had to hurry up with getting ready.

At exactly 11 o'clock (Bias name) stood in front of the door. Since none of you were hungry you decided on going to the cinema first. Nothing else than a romantic movie was optional. Every couple in the cinema would watch it.

While waiting for the movie to begin you suddenly spotted done familiar people. Or actually, they spotted you. Some divas from your class. Sophie, one of them, tapped your shoulder "Uh huh, alone on Valentines day? Like every year?". Suddenly (Bias name) turned around so he could look at her.

"Excuse me. I am here with her. She has better things to do than to talk to you now.", (Bias name) said in a strict tone.

"And you are her boyfriend? Hard to believe. I guess you're just a friend."

Was actually true. But (Bias name) had another idea. All of a sudden he leaned over to you and pressed his lips against yours. Indeed, a great plan. He deepened the kiss quickly, made it more passionate. The boy put his arms around your waist while you were touching one of his shoulders. Sophie and her clique disappeared from your mind, you were completely focused on that kiss. The kiss, that felt real. After a few moments you saw the girls going away in the corner of your eye. (Bias name) also noticed that and let go of the kiss.

You seemed flustered, what you truly were while he just smiled confidently. "So.....thanks a lot for helping me out.", You said, blushing right afterwards. He took your hand in his "If you don't mind." and pulled you a little closer. You didn't mind at all so he deeply kissed you again. "Are we officially a couple now?", You asked awkwardly later on. "Yeap, and it's the best thing that could happen.", He answered before intertwining your hand with his again. Best Valentines Day ever.


(A/N); I'm really sorry if this isn't that good but I am extremely tired for some reason.
So, how are you going to spend your Valentines day? I'm probably gonna do nothing special😂.

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