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At 7:30am on a Thursday your alarm clock suddenly ripped you out of your precious sleep. As you looked at the time you noticed you are somehow late. You widened your eyes and got ready as fast as possible. You took your stuff and ran to the bus station next. Unfortunately the vehicle just drove off. The next one would come in 7 minutes, you haven't had enough time. So you ran by foot. 2 minutes before your shift you arrived at your job's place. At a small but nice cafe. You actually liked your job but this day was already literally messed up. You thought nothing could cheer you up. You sighed in relief as you went behind the bar. A minute later the first guests already arrived. And that's how it continued until 2:50pm. You would have break from 3pm to 4pm and go home at 7pm. The cafe wasn't that famous so you haven't had many visitors.

You were about to clean the counter but you felt kind of uncomfortable. You looked around to see some guy staring at you. But not in a weird way, more in a pretty nice way. It distracted you though. Everytime you looked up from the counter your look crossed with his for a short second until he looked somewhere else. It was kind of a game for you. You made fun out of it. Suddenly you had to laugh at this. As the boy noticed your laugh he put on a smile as well.

A few moments later he came over to the counter which you were cleaning. He looked through the menu until he coughed quietly, maybe to get away his raspy voice.

"Hello, miss. I would like to order two coffee americano's.", The boy said with the probably calmest voice in the universe.

"Of course, sir.", You answered a bit shy all of a sudden. It was awkward for both of you cause of the staring thing from before. You grabbed the coffee and put lids onto them. Before you handed them to him you decided to ask him something.

"It maybe sounds impolite now but may I ask why you ordered two coffees? Are you that thirsty?"

"Only one of them is for me. The other one is for the prettiest girl in the room. So, come on. Let's sit down next to the window."

"Wait what? You think I'm pretty?"

"More than. And you seem to be nice."

"Oh, umm.....Thank you very much. I'm just a bit surprised right now. You seem to be nice too."

"Aww, thanks.....?"

"Oh, Y/N. Call me Y/N."

"Woah, what a beautiful name. Mine is Jeonghan and it is a pleasure to meet a nice and kind girl like you."

Your cheeks turned rosy. Your break just begun so you could accept his offer. You two sat down at a table and talked a bit. Very awkward in the beginning but it changed fast. You two laughed or smiled the entire time. At 4pm your boss wanted you to work again. You sighed and said goodbye to Jeonghan. But he suggested "I'm gonna accompany you, okay?". You smiled kindly what made him wink at you.

You spent the evening talking after all since so less visitors came. Jeonghan drank one coffee after another, like you did. This was literally the beat shift you've ever had.

At 6pm your boss came and patted your shoulder. He quietly said "Go out with that boy. I can see you like each other so go home now. I'll take your shift.". You smiled widely and thanked him. Jeonghan realized you were free and stood up offering you his hand to link with. You kindly accepted and left the cafe.

It was winter, snow was falling. You only had your thin vest. Jeonghan gave you his jacket hoping you would get warm again. He soon got used to the temperature and didn't even want his jacket back. After a bit of walking you noticed Jeonghan was freezing a little. "C'mon. You took me for a coffee, I take you for a warm accommodation. Let's go home.", You suggested kindly. He smiled at you in a surprised way but thanked you.

When you two arrived at your flat you spent a cozy evening there with hot cocoa, a movie, blankets, gingerbread and listening to some music. You haven't had that much fun for an eternity.

Both of you fell asleep during the movie. Next morning you woke up cuddling, tangled in each other's arms. The funny thing; none of you thought it is awkward. Jeonghan accompanied you for the whole day at work again and afterwards. You had a perfect friendship after such a short time.

This went on for about a week until you definitely realized you were made for each other. You sat in front of the window and watched the rain when Jeonghan hugged you from behind and rested his head on your shoulder.

"I never thought we would end up with such a good friendship. I first thought it was just this simple staring thing.", You admitted smiling.

He returned a smile "It's a moment I'll never forget."

"You didn't even know me back then. Why did you stare at me like that actually?"

"Because I knew I fell for you the moment I saw you there. I tried to distract myself but without success. So I just walked over to you and tried. I couldn't be happier it worked."

"You fell for me?"

"Yes. And I'm not even embarrassed to say it. I love you."

He didn't expect any reply. Jeonghan still rested his head on your shoulder with closed eyes. You smiled, removed his head and turned around to him. Your smile made him go confused but red and hopeful.

"I love you, Jeonghannie.", You replied and kissed him. He immediately leaned in gently, placing soft kisses on your lips.

And all that started with only a coffee.

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