"Ew yall are so mushy I think I'm diabetic," I said laughing

"I'm happy for you two."

We talked some more and hyung went to go out to get something for a friend leaving me and Seolji alone.

"So, do you always have your friends walk you around? He told me that he went to get you and I didn't understand what he meant until you told me what happened."

"Yea, being in this art school I didn't think there was a lot of open people and horny at that."

"Well yea, since they work so hard at what they do, when they get the chance they go all out and are so brave it's scary that when I heard about someone getting charged not too long ago I wasn't surprised...wait did that incident related to you?"

"Yea, that was me....let's not talk about alright?"

She agreed and we got to know each other. Funny we're the same age and it's as if she's the female version of me minus the dancing. She's more into painting and make people see things through her eyes. We pretty much cliqued and exchanged numbers. Once hyung came back, Tae was with him.

"Oh hey Jiminie, how are you?"

"I'm good, having fun with Seolji here," I smiled.

He nodded and kissed my forehead.

"How's the bum?"

"No bleeding, still can't stretch comfortably but I can can pike," I said happily.

"What's that?"

I got up and demonstrated by folding myself in half holding onto my legs then getting back up.

"Oh god that was....nice to look at," he said wiggling his eyebrows.

"Is there a time when you're not making some indecent joke?" Seolji said.

"You're no saint either miss I can put-"

She screamed and ran over to him and clasp his mouth shut with a face red from embarrassment. I laughed and laid on my back to have a sharp pain shot through my ass causing me to whimper in pain. I close my eyes hoping the pain subsides. I felt a hand touch me gently then I opened my eyes to see Hobi worried with the other two looking at me concerned.

"I'm good, just laid down to fast," I said laughing it off.

Everyone calmed down and we chilled out before I return to my dorm. Seolji wanted to walk me there this time since she has nothing else to do.

"Do you attend this school?"

"Yep, it's not far from home and work plus I got a full ride so why not?"

"Nice," I said as I looked around.

After saying my goodbyes to Seolji, I turned the corner and looked up to see Yugyeom....He looked right at me and stood up from the bench he was sitting on as if he was about to say something. My heart was already pounding and my breath was getting shorter. I move backwards and turned around running away from him.

"Jimin wait!"

I started to run passing by my dance teacher who also called out to me but I wasn't going to stop, not with Yugyeom behind me if he is chasing me and even if he wasn't I don't want to look back. The pain came back but didn't bother to mind it until I got to the center of the campus until I ran into someone falling right on top of them.

"Jimin? Are you ok? What's wrong?"

I looked down to see Yoongi. Man I missed him and didn't hesitate to burst into tears hugging him. He sat us up and hugged me tight whispering to me that it's alright. Once I quiet down we moved to a bench so that we weren't in the way.

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