Savior 🤞

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Sometimes you have to pick your battles, and I clearly didn't pick this battle correctly. But how are you suppose to prepare yourself for something that wasn't ever suppose to happen?

It's ironic how the people we trust the most are the ones that pull the trigger to a gun aimed at our heads. I could feel the prickles of a burn sliding down my face, forcing a scream so throat-scratching I could taste blood bubbling from inside my own mouth.

Hell's fire couldn't compare to what warmed my face like lava. My eyes were both closed when I felt a cool metal slide into the socket where my eye once occupied. Feeling it couldn't compare to the traumatizing noise that followed through with it.

It's like hearing the worst news about your family, but it's too late to help their souls. They've already been taken. My nails attached themselves to my exposed thighs, feeling some kind of liquid slide down my face with whatever Leo had poured down.

It burned just as bad but I knew it was just because my brain knew where the wound was coming from and what it was producing. The crimson liquid leaked from my cheek, sliding down my neck like the water from a vase being poured out.

So easily, directly navigated like it knew just where to dripple down from.

Fire breathing onto my face worsened my mindset, but what else could I do? I was bound to a practical post at this point. I've lost all control of meyaelf.

As if I could watch myself from third person, I knew I was yanking and pulling away from both of these little boys, but they weren't giving up.

Not when I swore, not when I screeched out to whoever listened and not when I finally became quiet. I fell into their grasps like I was falling into my demon's lair.

I accepted my fate into their hands as if the universe intended for me to die here tonight in such a dishonorable way.

I can't beat them. They're bigger than me and they've already overpowered me. If I somehow managed to escape, I wouldn't be able to go far in my weakened state.

So, why even try?

Among every emotion I felt, I suddenly felt guilt. For what? Eric. I preached about how strong I was and how capable I was when it came to taking care of myself.

'I'm so sorry I didn't listen.' I thought, knowing he'd never get the satisfaction of hearing me say those words out loud.

Just when the light grew dim within myself, I heard the sweet sound of someone familiar, someone safe ring out, "(Y/N)!"

I wanted to call out his name in case the whole scene went by his eyes. I wanted to run into his arms and coward behind his taller figure.

For the last time, I wanted to feel his touch that seemed too foreign now that I think about it. Yet, I knew the only thing keeping that fire sensation from entering my mouth and ruining my teeth was my lips that finally shut once I felt the ooze ride close to my nose.

I was officially voiceless. Now, the darkness was consuming me as it had consumed my hidden assaulters. Whether I was leaving this earth from blood loss, pain exhaustion or just fear was beyond me.

Goodbye, it was nice being in the same time line as you, Eric.

Time : Four Weeks and Two days later

"She's.." an unfamiliar voice sounded hesitant to finish his sentence as him and whoever else stayed beside my body, "She's doing better, I promise."

"Then, when is she going to wake up?" Eric's voice sounded like the sounds of fresh rain coming from the skies after a long drought.

I found myself wanting to collapse in whatever place he was at. I wanted to feel safe, because at this time, I felt more vulnerable than I ever had.

"It's hard to say. She's progressing better than most, but her mind still needs to rest." Victory's voice was the next I could recognize.

She's in the medic ward, what am I doing here? I felt nothing but the overwhelming sensation of needing to be right under Eric.

"It's been four weeks, damn it!" Eric's aggravation was clear as was the next sound of him punching something.

My ears ring from whatever noise he had caused, but it was enough adrenaline produced that I was able to crack my eyes open. I winced at the fact the first thing I saw was bright lights that almost took me out again.

Four weeks? What happened to me?

"Dim the lights!" Four's strict voice barked the order, noticing my arrival back to this world first.

I started to feel tired again, but when Four spoke I shoved myself into staying awake further to figure out what's going on.

"It's okay. Open them again, (Y/N)." My brother-figure's voice was soft as he spoke to me, encouraging me to continue progressing from whatever freak accident I had been in.

Once more, I made a successful attempt in opening my eyes, but for some reason, I just couldn't get my right eye to open up. Four was leaning over the railing of the hopsital bed on my left, which I could see easily.

His eyes were emotionless but his eyebrows were raised in surprise. Was I not suppose to wake up? My whole body felt strange, though. Like I was floating on a cloud when I could clearly see the bed I resided in.

Still, my right eye refused to focus on anything but the darkness that once took over my conscious. I wanted to slowly lean my head over to look around for Eric, but it felt like I sloppily yanked my head to look at my right side.

Eric's eyes finally connected with my own with the same look Four had. We stared in silence as if we were taking in each other's pain to house.

Funny thing is, I didn't feel any pain. I couldn't feel anything. Not my toes, not my face, not my arms.

"(Y/N)." He whispered to me, his voice raspy from all the yelling he had done, no doubt.

He came directly to my bed side instead of staying in front of the doctor. I've never seen a man move so quick in my life. I knew he was touching the left side of my face, because his arm had to stretch over my face.

But I couldn't feel it. I couldn't tell if he was warm from anger or cold from cooling off from being so angry.

"Can she speak?" Four asked someone else in the room.

Why can't I speak? At the question, Eric finally looked away from me to see if the doctor was going to diagnose my issues out thoroughly.

"No, her lips need more time to heal. Her vocal chords are barely working due to the acid." Victory answered for the doctor.

Acid? What did I do with acid? I was about to attempt to surprise them with my supposedly non-working vocal chords, when it failed. I don't even know if I opened my mouth to speak.

At the lack of speech, it seemed like it triggered a memory from the vault. I remembered Leo, Victor, and Kevin. Kevin tried to come at me, but he was an easy take down.

Leo lied to me and tricked me into coming to the Pit by myself so he could.. he poured the acid down my face. Kevin came up to hold me down.

I looked back up at the man that I could proudly call my savior. He-He actually came. He heard me. He saved me from those monsters.

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