Morning 🌅

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"Wake up, beautiful!" A voice so breath-taking I almost thought a dream still occupied my conscious.

The familiar sound of someone I love deeply hovered above my sleeping form, in a attempt to sooth my morning grouch. Careful of the light I knew he'd drag into our shared lair, I was met with a soft chocolate pair of eyes.

Once confirming it was who I thought, a soft smile exposed itself in front of the man I love.

"How did you sleep, (Y/N)?"

His voice was as seductive as the devil's words, but sweet like honey on a sour taste of some sorts. Captivating, to say the least.

"Amazing now that I got to wake up to you. How about you, lover?"

"With you by my side?" For a moment, he made a circular motion with his head to pretend he was thinking of his answer, "I slept like a kitten."

I watched as he leaned down careful to place a whispering kiss on my nose. The gentle affection brought a bigger smile to my chest as I felt butterflies dance around what belonged to him, which was (most) of my heart.

Most. The thought almost dampened my mood until I realized what I wanted the most sat right in front of me.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you?"

"Every single day, every single moment." I assured of my extensive knowledge of the subject.

I knew I was in love. I knew the butterflies and anxiety I received from him were love. It just had to be. As I began to sit up from my laying position, he shuffled closer.

I felt one of his strong, much larger hands lay on top of my hip as if he was trying to stop my actions from continuing.

"I love you too much, (L/N)." He spoke of my last name as everyone did around this place.

Dauntless, in terms of the old times, was somewhat like a militia. We kept the peace between factions and we've done it for years with no rules of our own.

"I promise I love you more, Leo. Only you." The 30th promise I've broken to this man, but is it really a broken promise if it's only half a lie?

Gradually, like it was a secret between just us, we began to lean forward. We were careful of the other's face as our lips molded together in such a passion I wondered how this man constantly gave me such anxiety.

I felt the hand on my hip move to the back of my neck as he deepened the kiss. Once it began to feel rough, out of usual passionate soft kiss, he broke from me like a toxin.

I always wondered about that, but I assumed it was because he didn't think I was ready to know about his weird kink.

I wouldn't judge but I'd like to know what he has up his sleeves.

"Time to get up, lover."

I watched intently out of my peripheral vision as his shoulders began to loosen from the tension, slowly releasing my neck from his grasp like it was the last thing he wanted to do.

Ignoring his words like a curse, I studied every fault in his face as I rested against the bedpost. Against his face, the sun was brightly shone like it held a strong hatred for his skin tone.

The darkness in his face seemed to be a barrier for the light, kind of like our flashing personalities sometimes. He was as beautiful as a angel no doubt, but I know I've seen a demon more beautiful than that.

I quickly cut off my thoughts, watching as the shade of brown in his eyes seemed to milk into a more golden flavor.

"Don't ignore me."

Giving him a half-hearted laugh, I slowly obeyed his command without a third thought, "Then leave so I can dress."

He brought his finger under my chin to reassure himself I had all of his attention, "I can't watch my own lover change?"

I grabbed the his side's pillow and tossed it away to his face, "Out, you naughty thing!"

Chuckling at the flustered reaction he received from me, he bounced from my side of our shared bedroom.

Sarcastically, he bowed at the hips to show obedience towards me. As if I had control in his relationship.

"As you wish, my queen."

His steps away from our bedroom were as light as ghosts walking the halls of an abandoned asylum. Quiet, but somehow audible despite knowing there was suppose to be no one left.

A whisper in the chilled wind, but your head only reminding you pipes could configure the same voices.

I peeled the black covers off of my warmed lap, removing myself from the security of my bed. I don't want to start the day, but here we are.

From my bed to the dresser was a short walk, but my mind began to rewind this morning's events like my favorite movie. I grabbed the first black bra I could find, bending down to the very last drawer to retrieve my black leggings.

I straightened back up to grab the long sleeve shirt I had left lying out the morning before.

Once dressing into the simple, plain outfit, the next thing I done was cover my feet in thick combat boots. The shoes only made sure my kicks were heavier in weight.

With my small form, it came in handy with bigger opponents. Completing my daily routine was quick in easy.

I walked out of our bedroom to see him waiting on the couch, patiently. His head was leaned back, his chest showing he was either about to fall asleep or asleep.

"You have a weird but interesting style, lover. Most dauntless chicks don't wear such layers." He pointed out that I didn't have a jacket or a tank top below my clothing.

Personally, I feel like the extra layers merely restrict my form.

"Aren't you worried it'll rip during training?" He questioned my loyalty in the thin materials that covered my body from the peeking eye as he finally made eye contact from looking down my boots to my eyes.

"Today, we are suppose to be doing one-on-one training."

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