"Don't bother falling in love with him, you're still a fuckboy with this same agenda even if you're nice and do good deeds all of a sudden. That dick of yours won't hesitate to want to get in them cheeks."

"Why? Are you sure you don't love him?"

"Did you not hear me? I'm sure that I don't love him like that hell I got no one interesting to love hell I don't even love myself but Jimin makes me feel special enough to keep going so thanks to him I keep going....but for you to come out of nowhere to be his superman is annoying. Sure you saved him from being raped and possibly broken again but I don't want to see Jimin with another person that doesn't have his shit together and hurts him again."

"I have a heart too ya know. And even if I wanted to be with him, I won't because I don't want to be in a relationship. What I got right now is enough for me to manage."

"You mean fucking around keeping your one night stand king status? And bullshit you haven't fucked in a while like you said. I think someone took that title by now," He chuckled drinking the last of his coffee.

"What do you have against me?"

"You're existence, you're some punk kid that feels they can do what they want and not have no one tell them what to do but can't deal with their emotions when it really calls for it. If someone needed emotional support, you would be the wrong guy to do the job."

"Are you here to be an ass?"

"Just getting it all out before I can really say that I can be comfortable to be in the same room as you."

I pushed my tongue against my cheek and smiled. Since he wants to be an ass two can play at the game.

"Likewise....so how's you and Tae then? I saw how you looked at him."

He eyed me like he wanted to fight. I tilted my head lifting my eyebrows waiting for an answer.

"I mean I see that when you undress, he wanted to eat you up," I continued.

"Please, he'll fuck anyone with a dick a size of a horse and will walk fine with no problem," he said looking away.

"It's not nice to say such things when you were doing the same. You're not good at hiding your actions hyung."

Just as he was about to say something, the door opened and Jimin comes out with only shorts on and walks over to Yoongi kissing forehead head then looks up at me with wide eyes.

"Jungkook, what are you doing here?"

"I was here to check up on you, but I was in an interesting conversation with hyung," I said looking back at him smiling as he tenses up again.

"I didn't think you two would even bother looking at each other since you two don't have a reason to talk other than me...I guess," he said walking to the kitchen.

I watched him till he was out of sight then back at an irritated Yoongi. Even though Jimin was right, I really didn't expect Yoongi hyung to come at me this way....maybe as a threat? Who knows what his intentions are nor do I know about mine but I'm irritated enough to go find someone later on to take my mind of all this stress that has been pent up for some time now. Jimin came back with a cup and sat on Yoongi's side of the couch and lean into him.

"Are you sure you two aren't dating?"

"Hm? No why would I do that? I mean he is fine and all but he's a brother to me. I wouldn't ask for a better brother other than my blood related one."

"Told you, Now stop asking" Yoongi chimed in.

"What have you two been talking about while I was in the room?"

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