In The Public Eye

Start from the beginning

"Hey guys!" You responded. They walked over to you. "You guys remember my boyfriend Tom, right?"

"Of course we do! What's up man?" Dylan said.

"Hey guys, Nothing much. You?"

"Just wandering around set." They both laughed. But you noticed that Jacob didn't. (We're gonna pretend he isn't dating Joey King ok? 😂)

Jacob was looking at you. He had a sad look in his eyes. But once he caught you staring he laughed and tried to hide the sadness.

"Oh Y/N, you're here! That means we can start shooting."

You nodded. Tom gave you a kiss and you left with Jacob and Dylan.

"Okay guys, so this day we're gonna shoot some different scenes. The ones today are the kissing scenes and the more romantic ones."

Your stomach dropped.


You looked at Tom and saw his facial expressions change.

"First, Y/N, you'll have a kiss with Dylan. I want it to be one that makes you feel a certain way, you know? You're best friends, so this is gonna have to be a kiss where you're surprised."

"Okay. Got it." You said. You and Dylan rehearsed on what you were gonna say, but then the kiss came.

You and Dylan had been arguing in the scene when he got closer to you. The kiss was sudden, like it was supposed to be, but it wasn't bad at all. You felt the passion and you knew that was the kiss they were gonna use.

Next was yours and Jacobs. In the scene, you were fast talking about everything that's going on when his character would stop you by kissing you.

Everything was going great, and then the kiss scene happened. You were saying your lines when he grabbed your face and he put his lips to yours. It was so quiet on set that you could hear a pin drop. You guys were like that until you heard a "cut!" You pulled away and he smiled at you.

"That was SO good you guys! I really felt the chemistry!" The director said.

"Thank you!" You said.

You walked over to Tom.

"You okay?"

"Yeah. I mean I'm not super happy, but as long as they know you're mine, that's all that matters."

He kissed you and pulled away. "You're mine, okay?"

"Always Tom." You said and smiled. You were happy.

But on the other hand, Jacob was not.

A few months later, you and Tom were going to a premiere for another one of his movies. This is what Tom wore:

 This is what Tom wore:

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And you wore this:

Since you were Tom's girlfriend, it was usual that you answered questions

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Since you were Tom's girlfriend, it was usual that you answered questions.

You walked out of the bathroom and Tom turned around.

"Woahhh who are you?"

You shook your head and laughed.

"I'm serious, who is this pretty lady in my room?"

"Awe thank you! I'm Y/N. Have we met before?" You said playing along.

"I don't know, but I'm glad I know you now." He smirked and you hit his shoulder.

"Okay, come on we gotta go."

You arrived at the premiere with Tom and paparazzi people where already all lined up.

"Tom! Over here!"

"Y/N! Look over here!"

"It's Hollywood's cutest couple!"

You smiled and Tom smiled down at you.

You guys finally made your way past the paparazzi and to the interviewers. All was going well until one interviewer asked one question.

"Hi!" She said.

"Hello," Tom said smiling.

"Hi." You said.

"Okay so I have to ask this. This question is for Y/N."

You smiled. "What's that?"

"Y/N, how does it feel to be cheating on Tom?"

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