Chapter 3

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Adeline POV

I watch Axel walk away, intrigued by him. 


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Somehow, I think there's way more to him than what he acts like. I shake my head, clearing my thoughts and grab my purse, leaving for the night.

I run to the metro station, just in time to catch the train I need to return home. Putting my headphones in, I lean my head against the window, and stare out at the moving concrete tunnel. Reaching my stop, I gather my things, get off the train, and make my way out of the station.  

Walking on M street, I smile as I witness everyone enjoying the late summer night. Walking past one of the patios, I see Axel out of the corner of my eye. I try to hide my face, and speed up, not wanting to catch his attention. 

"Hey, Adeline!" He calls out to me, leaving his circle of people, walking towards the gate that encloses the bar's patio.

"Oh, hey. I see you decided to keep it low key tonight," I say referring to his choice of bar. 

He chuckles. "Yeah, well we have an interview in the morning. Thought maybe we should be responsible and take it easy."

"Smart," I agree while smiling. I can't help but smile at his smile, it is so painfully breathtaking and contagious

"You on your way home?" 

"Yeah, I'm just up this street," I point up the road.

"Want me to walk you?" He offers.

"I'm okay, but thank you. That's very thoughtful."

"Are you working tomorrow?" He asks.

"I work every day," I admit.

Another smile crosses his face. "Okay I'll see you tomorrow. Our interview is in the restaurant over breakfast."

"Have fun tonight. See ya," I wave goodbye and walk away. 

I unlock my door, and enter my small basement studio. Deciding that I'm too tired to work out tonight, I crash on my bed and fall asleep.

*The Next Morning

I reach the final stretch of my run, and finish it sprinting as fast as I can. Reaching my stopping point, I bend down, breathing heavily. I glance up at the sky, which is starting to lighten with the rising sun. 

After showering, getting ready, and arriving at work, I start to get my opening duties done. For some odd reason, the fact that I was seeing Axel again today, I decided to try to look damn good. 

Right at 7 am, a reporter walks in, requesting a table in the corner, away from the noise of the crowded restaurant. I nod, and lead him to a table. 

10 minutes later, I glance up from my computer screen, and am staring right at Axel, his muscles and tattoos shown off by his black t-shirt. I internally moan at how good he looks.

"Hey darling, here for the interview." He smiles.

Smiling back, I tell them to follow me, and take them to the table that the reporter sits at. 

All morning long, I discreetly watch how natural Axel is at being in the spotlight. Nothing seems to throw him off, or catch him by surprise. He looks posh and confident but at the same time, dangerous and laid back. I can't help but be a little turned on...I mean, he's freaking hot!

After the interview ends, Axel comes strolling over, grinning. 

"Come out on a date with me." He says with his hot raspy voice.

Standing there, unable to speak, my mouth just drops open. 'Is this real life?' I ask in my head.

"Let me see your phone," He orders with his hand out. I give him my phone, and he types his information in, before sending himself a text, so he could have my number. "I'll text you," he smirks and walks away. 

"What am I getting myself into?" I mumble to myself, before returning to work. 

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