Chapter 40: A Controlled Shock.

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Nate (Natewantstobattle):

*A Few Weeks Ago*

          It was heartbreaking to see Matt crumble down like this, but there was no waiting anymore. "Matt, I think I hear a noise," I start, my ears picking up a type of knock. He looked up from the unfinished slip, and we both locked eyes. It made me tear up a little, so I broke eye contact, and turned to the noise I heard. I walked to the sound, and turned to see Matt following, still clutching the paper to his chest. I put an arm around him, and right before we both could take a step forward, we had debris in our eyes, and I had a big stone after me.

MatPat (Game Theory):

          I stumbled back as I lost Nate's grasp around me. With my support lost, I kept losing balance, and the debris in my eyes made it even worse. "Nate.. Nate?" I managed to say, as the dust storm partly cleared out. "Everyone, hands up!" I hear, and suddenly my adrenaline pumps even harder. So hard that I could've died. But I didn't. I slowly put my hands up, and started to kneel, when I saw the navy uniform of the police show past the dust. I didn't want to run up to the police for help, because that's what a faker would do, so I just kneeled there, with my head down. "Sir, are you alright?" I hear the same voice say, but I don't respond.

          I turn to where I lost Nate, and well and behold, I see him collapsed with a bloody bruise on his forehead. "Oh Nate.." My mind starts, as my eyes go blurry. "I've lost too much blood..." I conclude, as my body goes staticky. I feel myself collide with the hard, messy, cold floor as I try my hardest to not die. My shirt soaked with blood is the only thing that's keeping me awake. That light, small piece of fabric decides if I live or not. But then again, that's all just a theory. A Life Theory. Thanks for everything, internet. And.... cut.

Nate (Natewantstobattle):

          My head throbs even before my eyes open. I try to stand, but I can't. "Ugh.." I groan, not remembering anything. "Doctor? Doctor! Nathan Smith is awake!" "Nathan Smith? Who is he?" I think as I hear heels clack on the tiles near me. "Ah, Mr. Smith. Pleasure to meet you. My daughter is a great fan of your music! It's such a shame I meet you at a time like this.." The Doctor's eyes glanced away for a moment, but then went back to me. I was very confused about this "Nathan" guy. What she talking to me? Or was she just looking at me while talking to another patient? Well, no one is around me, except the doctor herself, so I think she's talking to me. I move my head slightly, and immediately I shout with pain. The doctor starts to help me out, and by the time she steps back, I felt much better.

          "Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Doctor///, and I'll be your doctor for the period of your stay. I'm sure you're not familiar with yourself?" The doctor asks I go into the deep depths of my brain, trying to find any signs of a name. Giving up, I nod, only to be hit with another excruciating pain this time from my neck, to all the way to the tips of my hair. "Ahh!" I shout even louder as before, and this time, the doctor doesn't help. "Did you hear that?" She says, not realizing that I almost got shocked with pain. "That doesn't sound right... Nathan, can you scream for us again?" I assume she was talking to me, and I shake my head. "Oh hell no! Do you want me to suffer?" Even though I shook my head as light as possible, I was once again electrocuted with the harsh pain of moving my muscles. "3rd time is a charm..." I think as I slip into the darkness, letting go of my conscious mind.

*Woah... I'm surprising myself with my way of words this chapter! What do you think happened before Nate woke up? Type your predictions down below and I might use it next chapter!

You guys still have this chapter to vote on Matt or Nate. I did this so you can think well. I personally  need a lot of time when it comes to Matt and Nate, but I'm sure most of you have already voted. And if you understand and get the title, you are amazing.

Also, this is the 40th chapter!! Yes, it isn't surprising as the 100th chapter, but it's a milestone that's worth celebrating! T-T (That's me crying out of happiness)*

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