Chapter 11: Too Much Control.

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Nate (NateWantsToBattle):
-A few weeks ago-

          "Nova? You finished with the script?" I ask, as Matt falls on the sofa next to me. Nova then appears with my laptop. "Yes, Nathan sir. I'm done. Hopefully you guys like it!" Her cheery innocent voice rings through the room. I turn to Matt, and he seems impressed. "Oh, man... you really don't know what's in front of you, Matthew." I think, as Nova hands the laptop to him. He looks it over, and smiles. "This is actually amazing!! Wait, but I have one question.. is there an actual Freddy  Fazbear's around here?" Nova glanced at the script, and answered, "No sir, I think we should just add graphics to a worn down pizzeria, and it'll work." Then suddenly, her eyes widened. "Wait, your voice seems recognizable, are you MatPat??" Matt smiled. "Yeah, I'm glad I have a big fan working with Nate!" "Wait, how can you only recognize voices, but not our faces? I'm pretty sure that Matt and I show our faces in almost all of our videos." I immediately regret what I said, because she looked down, and started explaining her story.

          "My mom, she only has one phone, which she uses for herself. Meanwhile, in order for me to be content, I have to listen to videos from my next door neighbor. Since her phone is so small, and her speaker is so big, I can only hear what she's listening too, and all the time I hear theories and music. I listen to them constantly, that I remember every single word in the videos." Nova explains as Matt and I exchange glances. "I'm sorry for asking that question, Nova, please forgive me," I say, putting my head down as well. "Well, anyway, why don't we get on the road now? It's getting pretty dark, great time to shoot," Matt changes the subject, and we all agree.

          Soon, we are on the road, driving to the nearest abandoned restaurant. Soon, we drive past a police station, and I ask Matt to stop. "I'll be back. I have to check if we are allowed on these grounds." Nova and Matt nod and I get off and walk to an officer.

Officer: Hello sir, how can I help?

Me: Uh, my friends and I are shooting a music video down at one of the abandoned restaurants, are there any rules or regulations to this?

Officer: (Thinks) I don't think so, but make sure you get out by midnight. If you come in, I can give you the keys.

            I walk in the bright office, and the officer hands me a pair of keys in a key ring. After that, I whisper, "Sir, if we don't give the keys within midnight, please look for us. I have a weird feeling." He assures that thell do so, and I thank him and head back to the car.

MatPat (Game Theory): 

           I stop the car, and Nova and Nate get out. Nate asks me to park near the back of the pizzeria because that's the way we're gonna exit. I nod and turn the steering wheel left. I drive around the parking spaces for a few minutes, but I can't seem to find a back way. "Hmm... where is the parking spaces around here?" I think and suddenly my thoughts are interrupted by Nate's phone call. 

Nate (NateWantsToBattle):

            "Come on Matt, pick up!" I whisper through gritted teeth as my phone keeps ringing.  I turn behind the car and see Nova looking for me, psychically. "Come out, come out, wherever you are..." She whispers. "Don't make me angry, or else you might not know what happens to MatPat!" Suddenly, I feel an urge to save my best friend. "Take me," I say, standing from my hiding spot. I see Nova's green eyes glitter, suddenly turning into a mix of turquoise, then into a dark blue. "Please, just don't hurt Matt, he has a wife and an unborn child to look forward to. Please, just do whatever you have to me, but please, just don't touch Matt." Tears were flowing down, but I didn't do anything to stop them. For a second she looked merciful, then she said, "Well, Nate, I'm not gonna touch MatPat. You are." 

*Sorry for the weird cliffhanger. Anyway, this chapter I'd like to thank all my followers, and two special people who gave me ideas. Story_Peeps13 and thepixelkitti for all the dedication to my stories. If you do like my content, please make sure to check theirs out too! Anyway, hope you enjoyed today's chapter!*

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