Chapter 12: A Secret Left To Be Said.

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Will (DAGames): 

          "Woah... is that really what she did?" I say as I reread the notes. "Yeah, seems suspicious. When I asked her about MatPat and what she knows about him, her eyes changed from green to a dark blue. I saw it. I'm not hallucinating!" James says as Jaiden takes the notepad from me. "Well, has Nathan or the other show any signs of waking up?" Jaiden asks, her eyes going to the unconscious boys. "No. Seems like they both are in a deep trance of some sort. I've read it in a book before." I say. "Either they are in a deep trance, or they're dead," James adds in a funny tone, and I can't hold myself from a quick laugh. I was immediately reminded of Dawkins, and my laugh dissolved into a tear. Jaiden also laughed a bit, and she laughed because it wasn't likely for them to die. Just yet. 

          "Look what I found! A key!" Jaiden screamed across the room. Hoodie girl stared at me, her gleaming emerald eyes watching, listening, learning. "Uh... what?" I say, trying not to look excited. She runs up to me, and screams, "KEY!! Can't you hear me from over there? I found it on one of the shelves next to the books! C'mon, now we just need to wait for James to come." Jaiden was so excited that she forgot that a possible killer was standing right across for her, listing to everything she's saying. I quietly pull her farther away from Hoodie Girl, and whispered, "Jaiden!! How do you not see Hoodie Girl stare at you for a long amount of time!? She probably knows that we're searching for clues to get out of here! She's in front of the door! Don't you get it? She is never gonna let us out!" "Hoodie Girl," Jaiden repeated. "Who the heck is that?" I point to the vicious hooded killer. "Nova?" I gawk, and she laughs. "While we were talking, she kinda spilled her heart out to me, you know, since I'm a young girl like her, and she's actually not that bad. Except for her secrets. Those are terrifying." I stare at her with wide eyes as I ask, "For how long have you known Hoodie Girl? Are you one of them now?" I was terrified. I was getting real close to Jaiden, and if she was a murderer, she'll probably kill me first. 

          "Can you please stop calling her Hoodie Girl? Okay? She's a normal human just like you and me. Yes, she stares at people, but if you didn't have anything to do, other than cry about an unconscious master, you would probably stare too." I thought for a moment. "What if Hood- I mean, Nova, was lying to you all along?" I fantasize. "She wouldn't. No possible actor can show that much emotion while lying. While you guys were searching she literally broke down in my sight, and I had to hold her up for a few seconds. She spoke all her clutched secrets. It was like balloons. One by one, they floated away, making her feel freer. Just... I know her better than anyone in this room, okay?" I nodded, trying to be polite, but at the same time, anger rushed over my body. "Oh, Jaiden... you aren't the boss of me... you can't tell me what to do," I think as I sit down in a corner, waiting for James to come out. 

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