Chapter 3: It's Just A Theory! A QUESTIONABLE THEORY!

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MatPat (Game Theory):

I run up to James to see him against a wall for balance. His friend also does the same, clutching the table for balance. I sit James in a chair, and suddenly, he goes limp, his friend following next. Everyone else crowds around and actually starts helping me. I was suddenly brought back to the theory I did, about the girl falling off the building, and no one coming to save her, and this was the complete opposite. People offered help left and right, but more people felt dizzy too. I recognized a few familiar faces, but I still couldn't spot Nate anywhere.

Soon more than half the party is unconscious, leaving me and another YouTuber to hold all the weight. It was weird that Nate would only invite YouTubers, specifically 6, and not invite his family. I was best friends with Nate, but I never see Nate with anyone else in the party, or even actually even talk to them. It was very strange of Nate to do that, but who am I to judge? His best friend, that's who.

After getting everyone in a chair, I talk to the only conscious person and introduced myself. "Hey, sorry for this extremely weird introduction to me, but my name is Matthew Patrick, and people usually know me as..." "MatPat," she interrupts. "Yeah, I know everyone at this party. I don't think you do, do you?" I was shocked. Her voice was very clear and bold. It was like she read my mind. She seemed sketchy, but she was the only person I could talk to at the moment, so I nodded. "She pointed at the first chair to the left. "That is Dawko. His YouTube base is gaming, mostly Five Nights at Freddy's content, I'm sure you would know about FNaF, since you, yourself are a known fan." "Man! She knows a lot about me! Well, I'm pretty sure all of my subscribers know about me, but she gives me a weird feeling." I think, as her finger moved to the next chair. "That is James, also known as the OddOnesOut. He creates animation and comics. Same for Jaiden," she pointed to the chair beside James, "she also creates animations. They are basically besties." Lastly, she points to a man with dyed hair. "That is Will. His channel is called DAGames, and he creates music from franchises." I then glance at the girl, and she immediately puts her hood on. I step back, and suddenly, I forget how she looked like. Did she have blue or red hair? What color were her eyes? It felt like my memory of her just vanished, just like she did right after.

I pace back and forth, trying to recollect my memories, of how I got here. There were unconscious people in chairs and I knew who these people were, but why were we here? Was it a birthday party? There was nothing in the room except normal birthday supplies, streamers, chairs, tables, and food, so I naturally would assume it was a birthday party. But for whom? There were no names, just "Happy Birthday!" in bright colors. I couldn't even find a door or a doorway that could lead me out of here. Just 4 beige walls covered in banners and streamers with tables which used to be filled with food, but now, only one thing. Fruit punch. One bowl of fruit punch in the center of the food table. I remember having one glass before, but since this is the only food item I can consume, I take another. I feel like this fruit punch is the cause for everyone to faint, but a man needs to consume! My eyesight goes a bit wonky for a few seconds but goes back to normal.

After a few minutes, I suddenly start to sweat. I quickly take off my blazer and use it to fan off the heat. It just felt like it was global warming, but way faster. After a matter of seconds, I felt like I was melting. I kept my face on the cold bowl of punch, but it still didn't help. I gave up on my fruit punch theory and took another glass of the cold refreshing drink. It was amazing, so I didn't stop. It felt like a medication, and soon, the heat began to die down. That's when I finally start to feel dizzy.

"Ah! Wh..What's happening? Ugh, my head... why is it spinning like crazy? Someone! Help! Help me!" I shout, trying to be heard in this beige chamber. As I slowly drift off to blackness, a door opens behind me. I can't say behind... since my mind is spinning... but I heard it. I turn to see Nate dressed in a suit, and loudly saying, "WHO'S READY TO PARTY!!??"

Why is Nate so late? Where is the hoodie girl? Find out in the next one.

*Hey guys! My question today is are the pictures too irrelevant? I'm trying to have a picture every chapter, but it's hard to choose. That's all! See ya!*

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