Chapter 8: Natemare Comes To Life (Part 2)

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 Nate (NateWantsToBattle):

-A Few Weeks Ago-

          She had a face of pure shock and confusion that I thought about what I just said. "Wait, was this all a nightmare? Is that why I'm sweating?" I think as I take off my blanket from my feet. Nova just stands there, confused and in shock. "Nova hon, I'm so sorry, it was a wild nightmare... I couldn't control my anger... please forgive me..." I beg as I stand up slowly. She doesn't even take a glance at me, she just kept looking at the floor. After an odd amount of me staring at her, and her staring at the wall, Nova took a look at my face and went out of the room without saying a word. Me, feeling extremely embarrassed, went to go take a shower. While I was, I kept thinking about my decision. In my head, there was a big argument going on:

The left side of the brain: It was all just a dream... this side is the creative side... I create big nightmares, and you've seen them before. I can get really dark sometimes...

The right side of the brain: No it's not! It's the truth! I'm the logical side! Nate had a weird vibe from Nova, and this is the answer. That's why Nova chose the kidnapping to occur, instead of another plot! She wants Matt dead! And probably you too!

          Even though my right side sounded more realistic, I decided to go with the left side, because I only met Nova for a day. Don't judge a book by its cover. 

         It was 30 minutes after the fight when I drying my hair, I heard a knock on my door. As I was rubbing the towel against my head, I opened the door to see Nova holding a platter of pancakes. I allow her into my room, and she places the platter on my desk. She was a bit down, so I had to assure her that it was all a vivid dream and that it doesn't matter anymore. She smiled a little, and we both shared the breakfast together. 

        After digesting those delicious golden pancakes, she runs to the oven and pulls out a baking sheet with many many cookies baked, the whiff of cocoa blending with the air. "This is for Ma...the person that's coming today! Do you know when he arrives, Nathan sir?" I sigh, and say, "Nova, you don't need to call me Nathan. Just call me Nate. My full name is Nathan Sharp." As soon as I finished that sentence, her eyes widened. "You're...Are you NateWantsToBattle?" I smiled shyly and nodded. She started squealing so high, that she started sounding like a dog whistle. "Woah, Woah, calm yourself, Nova," I say as she turns, and immediately runs into the guest room. I smile. "She is probably gonna forgive me for all this since I'm a very famous YouTuber..." I think as I walk over to her room. I look through the crack in the door and see her rustle one of the drawers. I imagine her getting one of her many sketch pads, and asking me to sign one of them. Instead, I see Nova pull out a skinny box with a bottle attached. She sighs and whispers something to herself. I go in a little closer and hear part of what she's whispering. "Mom, I don't want to hurt Matt, nor Nate. They are very famous people..." "Wait, what? who is she talking to? Mom? Why is Nova acting weird? Is my right side of the brain really telling me the truth?" I think as the tornado of questions breaks my patience. 

          I knock on the door, as I see Nova sit on the bed. I slowly open the door, and she doesn't even glance at me. "Nova? Are you alright? You seemed so excited at the kitchen, and now you're back to being sad. Are you still mad at what I said earlier?" I sit on the bed, right next to her. She keeps her head down and doesn't make a single sound. I move myself a bit closer and continue apologizing. "Please, if its anything I said, please just forgive me. I want to be friends with you Nova, but it will happen only if you share what's in your mind." Finally, she turns to me, whispers in a very low volume, "I'm sorry I have to this..." As soon as I thought what she meant, she opens the box, and stands. "Nate, if you don't want to be hurt by my mom, you should stay silent, and never move. Do you hear me?" Nova orders. "Who is this 'mom' you're talking about? Is it your mom? What are you doing? I demand answers, Nova!" I say, expecting her to listen. As she turns away from me, she says, "You are not the boss of me. You never were the boss of me, to begin with. My mom is. She demands a plan, and now I put it into action. That's all the answers I can give you." She moves away from the bed, and I stand. I feel a stare from somewhere else, even though Nova has her back turned to me. 

  *Hopefully I gave you many questions this chapter, so I can answer them in the next one! Also, these pictures in the beginning aren't mine, and I took them from google. This one is made by FandomsOfAFeather in iFunny. Thank you for reading!! Peace out!*

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