Chapter 19: Nate VS. Will.

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Will (DAGames):

I growl at Nathan once again, and tears fall from my eyes. I've been having a kill feeling about Nate. "He killed Dawkins, he killed Dawkins, he killed Dawkins, he killed Dawkins,he killed Dawkins, he killed Dawkins, he killed Dawkins, he killed Dawkins, he killed Dawkins, he killed Dawkins," over and over, it keeps replaying in my head. I try to shake it out, but the revenge still clutches on to my heart. "I don't want to do this to the birthday man... I don't want to feel this horrible stress. This is even worse that uploading the chapter 3 song of BaTIM." I think as I walk even further from Nate. "Where is Jaiden anyway? She was..." "Will!" I was interrupted by Jaiden in the bathroom. "Jaiden! I'm coming!" I say, busting the door open, surprising another figure.

          "Hoodie Girl! I knew it was you all along, what did you do to her?" I say, panting. I look over to left and see James and Jaiden unconscious. I growl even harder. "You've touched one too many, my friend. You killed Dawkins, and captured the friends I could've had. Next thing I know, you're probably gonna kill me!" Hoodie Girl's eyes lit up as I finished my sentence in anger. "Well, if that's what you really want..." She whispered as she turned her back to me. I approached her with fierce and fear, and all she said was, "Yeesh, calm down Will. Here, take a swig. This will take you out of your misery." She handed me a flask. I was extremely out of my mind, so I was kinda pleased Hoodie Girl would show some kindness. I was unsure about her intentions, but a little gulp won't kill anyone, right?

She laughed as I finished the rest in the bottle. For some reason, it tasted amazing to my tongue, even though my mind wasn't liking it. I breathed hard. "Oh my Hoodie G- I mean Nova, what was this?" I say, catching my breath. She smiles, picks up the two unconscious animators, and slyly tries to walk out the door. "Hey," I say, pulling her hood away from the door. "What are you doing? Where are you going with them? What did you even do to them?" She steps back, pulls my hand away from her hood, and responded very quickly. "You'll find out soon, Will sir."

Nate (NateWantsToBattle):

"Wh...What happened?" I ask myself groggily as I rub my forehead. I look around and realize that I was at my own birthday party. "Where is everyone else?" My mind wandered for clues, but I couldn't find any. I groan, and slowly stand up from the chair that I had fell asleep on. Next to me was a recognizable face. "Matt!" I say, clutching his shoulders. He groans, and his eyes flicker open slowly. "Dude, Matt, what happened to you? Where are the others?" I say, happy to have my friend back. His smiles, remembering me, but his expression changed into confusion. "Others? Do you mean the people you invited? Oh, they all fell unconscious over the..." He trailed off, and examined the room. "Where are we?" He asks, trying to stand. I help him up, and shrug. "I really have no clue. Nova said that we were in her guest room or something..." Matt's eyes immediately widened. "N...No...Nova? Like the 'Nova' Nova? The Sorceress' daughter Nova?" He shivered. "Dude, I..." I sighed. I forgot that the physician told me not to talk anything about the incident! I smacked my forehead, and put my other hand on Matt. "I'm really sorry Matt. You just need to believe."

*Sorry for not uploading for a while... I was on vacation! I promise that as soon as I get WiFi. I'll try to post another chapter tomorrow or the day after that, but please keep your expectations low. I'm only a starter on this game, and I will have to take planes and connecting flights while I'm editing my story on my phone. Another sorry for future mistakes in my grammar, punctuation, and just plain English. This phone is an old one, but it works like a charm. Well, it hopefully will for the eternity of my vacation. Sorry for any inconveniences you guys might have, and have an amazing day/night!*

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