Chapter 39: Nate's Theory.

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Nate (Natewantstobattle):

           We gather around Matt and see what he had just seen. "What do you think these symbols mean? Can they predict the future? And maybe even the next death?" Everyone was concerned, but I was worried for Jaiden and Dawko. I didn't tell anyone, but I think I know what those symbols mean. The dead will become alive again, but with special powers.

Jaiden: Red Bird, Sharp Teeth, and A Pencil.

          The bird means that Jaiden will either become a bird, or have the power to control a bird. The sharp teeth shows that she's gonna be a vampire, and the pen probably means she can create things with the help of her artistic side.

Dawkins: A Fox-Like Creature, 50/20, and A Dark Circle.

          The fox-like creature looks kinda like Mangle from FNAF 2, so I can assume that Dawkins will turn into Mangle, or like Jaiden, have Mangle as a pet, which I'm not looking forward to. The "50/20" engraving probably means that he'll have something to do with Ultimate Custom Night. I remember that Matt said that Dawko was known for that...

         I don't know what the dark circle means though. I don't have any theories either, but I do know that James and Will are gonna have a heck of a ride with their friends turning evil like this. Matt and I are gonna probably be the ones on the hit list this time.

          "Nate? Are you okay?" I feel a hand on my shoulder as my mind shifts back to the present. I come eye to eye with a worried Matt. "Are you alright? You kinda just blanked out for a second there." He chuckled as I nodded. "I just had a theory," I start as all eyes turn to me, and Matt laughs, "about the glass pieces." I explain my theory, and Matt smiles. "You've done better theorizing then my own channel! Maybe I could join you in the Theorist Team when we escape!" He pats me on the back. "That is, if we do escape." Will says, with his head down. We all are silent, until James tries to bring the joyful mood back. "Why don't we all make a theory? Then maybe we'll figure out more, and Matt might put us in his team too!" Will was still slouched back, but he agreed.

          We all went to each corner of the room so we won't copy each other. Seems childish, yes, but we don't want arguments brewing up in here. Since I already had a theory, I decided to go to Matt, who was staring straight at the Jaiden piece. He seemed like he was in deep thought, so I walked to Will, who was crying at the sight of Dawko's piece. I knelt down to face him, and he immediately sucked it back up. "I'm sorry Nathan. It's just hard to lose a best friend right before your eyes. The flippin' flashbacks won't let me live my life!" He says, hammering his fist to the hardwood floor. "It's alright Will. Have as much time as you like, but if my theory does happen, you will have to stay strong. Just remember that he isn't your friend, he just an imposter." He nodded, and I stood. He seemed much more braver now, so I moved on to James.

*Three things:

1) Vote on who will die: MatPat, or Nate.

2) Do you want a "Y/N" character in the flashback, or should I pick a name? If you do have a name suggestion, type it down below. (It's a girl BTW, and loves Nate's songs.)

3) Do you agree on Nate's theory, or do you have a theory of your own? Put it down in the comments below and I will reply to the one who gets it right!

You have until the next chapter posts, which will probably be  day after tomorrow or something. Peace!!*

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