Chapter 22: A Hollow Nate.

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Nate (NateWantsToBattle):
*A few weeks ago*

          Matt held on to me like a young girl holding her doll. "I'm not letting you go, Nate. I don't want you to leave." I smile, and hug him back. "Cute, but I've broken even bigger relationships. Alex and Lauren, oh, those poor lovebirds. One gets eaten alive by vampires, and one gets stabbed by a guardian. But both of them met again in heaven. So same for you two." The voice said, laughing. "Who are you?" Matt says, gripping me even harder. The voice gives a little chuckle, and says, "Let's say I'm your worse nightmare. Or at least, your worst 'Natemare'..." And suddenly, I collapse on Matt's arms.

           I feel a sudden jolt on energy. Just like I did when Nova was controlling me, but this time is was even more painful. I tried to scream, but I couldn't. I can't even think. I'm nothing. When Nova had controlled me, I could partly think, but now I can't do, say or even feel anything. Hopefully Matt gets out alive.

MatPat (Game Theory):

         "NATE!!" I cry, as he collapses onto my shoulder. Tears run down my face as I shake him, begging for him to wake up. I fall onto my knees as more tears follow. It was the saddest day I have ever felt in my life. My body ached as the stab worsened, making me twitch every three seconds.

I kept crying until I saw Nate's eyes open. I was so happy, but at the same time, something felt off. His eyes were dark blue, just like when Nova controlled him. "Was the voice Nova after all? No, it seemed to old to be a young girl, and Nova was tied onto a chair. I mean, if it's possible that Nova could control Nate, that means anything is possible." I think as I step away from Nate's body.

*A few minutes after*

"Come out, come out, wherever you are! I'm only your friend. I'm only Nate." The woman said, controlling Nate like he was her puppet. I wanted to shout, "You aren't Nate, you monster," but I didn't want to give myself away. I closed the wood closet, and suddenly I got a memory of my home. "It feels exactly like my recording closet back home..." My mind wanders backwards to Steph and the Game Theory channel. Oh how I would love to go back home! I run my fingers over the smooth wood as I hear Nate's voice getting closer. "Give up MattyPatty. I found you. It's too late to turn back now..." The voice neared and I held my breath. Suddenly, my fingers come across a small latch in the wood, and I pull it slightly. I hear another noise in the wooden closet, and find another latch, this time holding onto a trapdoor the size of me. I try my hardest to pull it out, and it pops open. But with a loud BANG. I immediately duck into the trapdoor as Nate forces the closet door open. "Oh Matthew, you're just pulling your death even longer. You want it to be slow and painful, don't you? Well, if you say so..." The woman says in Nate's voice. I clench my teeth. "You'll pay for this!" My mind screams in anger as I stay ducked under the trapdoor.

*I'm extremely sorry that you didn't have content from me in days. The thing is that in my house in India doesn't have WiFi. Well at least my dad is trying to get us one, but yeah. Hopefully you understand my problem. I'm trying my absolute best to fix this problem, and so is my family. Thanks for understanding!*

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