Chapter 24: Angel?

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MatPat (Game Theory):

*A few weeks ago*

"Stay out of sight..." my mind whispers to my body as I stay as still as a statue. I hear many doors being ripped off their hinges, as Nate shows his fury. Then finally, I hear him fade away to another room.

I step out and feel the cold breeze on my sweaty clothes. I then hear a whisper and my hairs go up again."Please help me..." It took me a while to figure that voice, but I was glad I did. "Angel!" I shout for my favorite fan. "Where could she be? Did Nate take her instead of me? No, she would've at least let me know so I could show myself..." "MatPat!" I hear Angel cry. I turn to see a small box, but no human. "Angel?" I say to the box, and she herself pops out, twice as sweaty as I am. "Angel! I thought Nate caught you! Oh my gosh, I'm so glad I found someone I can trust!" I hug her even though we're both sweaty. "Don't worry MatPat, consider me as your guardian. You've been posting videos in my dark days, and I can't explain how much they helped. This favor won't match to how much you make me smile." I've heard many compliments by other people, but this one is the most powerful. "I'm so happy I could help, Angel. We just need to get out alive." She nods and we both let go of each other.

I turn back to the open doorway, and I hear a large clash. Angel grabs my hand like a child, and we both walk toward the noise. Note to self: Never do that. Never.

"Ah, welcome back my friends, you've come into the right hands. Come along, let's separate you two." I was locked in place by nothing, but I was stuck, and so was Angel. "No please, no. Do anything but that. You have everything in your power, so why do you want us?" I say, gripping Angel's hand like it was my Diet Coke. Nate laughed with a hint of a girly tone at the end. "Well honey, I need you for your brains, and her for my happiness, that's all." Nate smiled sweetly, and I growled. "Who are you in my best friend's body?" Once again, Nate laughed. " I told you, I'm your worse 'Natemare'." For the first time, I finally heard Angel speak with anger in her voice. "He meant who you really are. Your identity." Nate took a step closer to Angel. "You want to know? You really want to risk it?" Silence surrounded the recording room. "Well then, take a seat. I'll tell you all about my life." We did as she said, and she started her story.

*Hello! The next chapter will feature someone dying.. you probably know who it is by now... but don't leave the story hanging after your favorite YouTuber dies. There are many twists to this story that you might not expect.. *wink wink**

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