Chapter 32: My Diet Coke!

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MatPat (Game Theory):

* A Few Weeks Ago*

          As soon as Angel came into view, I also saw the other thing she is holding. My backpack. My heart jumped as I saw my Diet Coke, but Angel put it back into the bag and instead brought out the camera and started untying me very quickly and quietly. It was like she wasn't even there! She handed me the camera as I stretched out my limbs. "Here, this is a way to let people know you are here. Record yourself, and tell the world!! I'll post it in the crate." I turned on the camera and started explaining everything. " name is Matthew Patrick. I live in Los Angeles, California. I'm captured by an evil Sorceress..." I saw the camera glitch a little, but I still continued. "There is also a fan who is also captured with me. Her name is Angel. Please... Send help as soon as possible.." I turned to where Nate was and saw that he wasn't there anymore. I ran to the crate where Angel is in, and place it on top for Angel to take. As soon as I turned, I saw Nate like never before. He had black circles around his eyes and purple tears streams from both eyes. He kinda looked like the puppet for FNaF 2. "What were you doing!? How did you get out of those ropes? Oh, I should've known. That little brat, Angel helped you out, didn't she? Oh, when I get my hands on her.." Nate clenched his fists. "This isn't part of the script, so now someone has to die!!"

           "Angel! Come out now!! This is just like how Matthew hid, but now it's way easier, cause there is only one place you can hide. Come out, and you won't be hurt... Oh what am I saying? You'll die either way!" The Sorceress laughed and flipped open the crate to see frightened Angel. "Please... Just don't hurt me!!" As the Sorceress pulled her by the hair, she also saw the digital camera. "Oh? And you were also recording without my permission? Well I suppose you need footage, and we didn't do the first part, so this would work a prequel! But we'll have to edit some footage out for simplicity."Now your death will be stretched out Nova, and you can thank Matthew here for that." "You're a nightmare, Sorceress, do you know that?" I say, backing up and hitting my chair. She turns to me, and says, "Did you forget? I'm everyone's Natemare! I so love that name!!" I rolled my eyes but didn't show it. The so-called "Natemare" spoke to Angel in a creepy way. "Don't try to leave my grasp, or else I'll kill whoever is nearest, either you or Matthew." I didn't see what happened next because I was too busy hiding the camera while also making sure the lens are to me.

Right before I could even say a word to the audience, I heard Angel become silent. She probably agreed. I immediately turned and went back to where I was before. Natemare saw me and smiled. "After getting you tied up nice and snug, I'll kill her, and you get to see it!" She whispers to my ear as she ties my body to the chair. I struggle and scream, and Natemare doesn't do anything to stop it. "You'll never succeed!" I spat as she tied my arms together.

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