Chapter 30: A Contortionist

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MatPat (Game Theory):

*A few weeks ago*

          I scream for help, but all that comes out are muffled noises. "How did I not notice this part of the script?" I think as I move in my chair, but that's all I can do. I'm tied down, feet and hands tied with strong magical rope. "Nate!!" I scream, but once again, The Sorceress can't hear my words. "I'm glad you're getting into character, Matthew. Just give me a second. I'm applying a little makeup to Nate so he looks a little more scary." The Sorceress says in Nate's voice, her back turned to me. I cry like a little girl, and that immediately reminds me of another little girl. "Angel! What did you do to her?" I say, my mouth cloth slipping out. "Oh! Seems like I didn't tie it properly. Thanks for letting me know, Matthew." Nate says, ignoring my question. "Please, let this be off. You may tie it, but when everything is set. I'm getting very uncomfortable under these pieces of clothing." I say, gaining some confidence, but losing it immediately. Nate nods, and turns back to do the rest of his makeup. My eyes scan for the little girl, but all I see is pitch black and an imposter of my best friend. "Angel, oh where are you... You said you were my angel, but now you are lost. Please... Find me," my mind cries, as I suck in my physical cries. I scan the room another time, this time with no hope, and I notice something misplaced. A dark crate the size of a box TV sits across from me. "What could The Sorceress possibly have in there? The rest of her powers? No, she said she lost them in the estate.. There is no way she'd get them back, right? Right?"

          As I start to fall asleep from tiredness, I start getting weird hallucinations from the pain and stress. I started seeing Nate, not the Sorceress, as the real kidnapper, and I started feeling like the character himself. I felt like the Matthew from the script. I tried to wash it away, but nothing worked. Everything around me was still... Except for one thing. The crate. The top kept shifting, but it never seemed to open. I couldn't help but stare at it, while my pain dissolved in my sleep. Then, I don't know if it was my hallucination or not, but I saw a half-face peek out of the dark crate. It was brown eyes that peeked out, and I saw its expression. Smiling and secretive while also scared. I'd know that stare anywhere! My angel has come to save me!!

          As soon as I saw Angel, I wasn't sleepy anymore. I tried to make eye contact with the ever so slightly opening crate, and finally, Angel saw me, and slowly started taking off the lid. How could I ever forget that Angel is a contortionist!? She could hide in such small things without a single nail to be seen. Well, at least that's my theory. I think she's a contortionist. I'm not sure, but she can hide in small boxes, that's for sure. I glanced at Nate, and see him still applying makeup. I nod to Angel, and she jumps out of the box extremely quickly and quietly. She closes the lid and runs toward me without a single sound.

*If there are any questions that I didn't answer in this story or any suggestions that could move this story, please feel free to let me know either in the comments or through my messages. I'll be glad to take them all!*

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