Chapter 18: Where Is MatPat?

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Nate (NateWantsToBattle):

          "Where am I now? Where is Matt? What did I do to him? Where is Nova? Why don't I remember anything after that? Where is Nova's mother?" All the questions fill my head, but my one goal stays the same. Find a way out. I stand, and walk forward, trying not to trip. "Hello?" I whisper, even though I was sure that no one was here. I heard faint cries of pain as I kept walking forward. It sounded familiar, but I was in the dark, so I couldn't help out. "Matt?" I say, recognizing my best friend. "Get away from me, you monster. Leave me. Let me suffer." He growled with anger. "What do you mean? Dude, it's me, Nate. I'm not here to hurt you." I say, confused. "Yeah, that's why I'm scared. 'Cause you're Nate. You've hurt me and Angel too much. Where is Angel anyway?" He screamed. "Who is Angel? What do you mean I hurt..." My voice trailed off as I remembered what evil Nova said. 

          "Well, Nate, I'm not gonna touch MatPat. You are." 

          "Matthew, that wasn't me. I didn't hurt you! It's the actual Nate here!" I say, hoping he'll understand. "Well if it wasn't you, then who did this, then?" Matt sat up from the floor, and pointed to a bloody stab on his chest. He winces as he re-wraps his wound with his bloody shirt. "I promise you, it wasn't me. It was Nova. She was controlling me. He mother was controlling me. I was only a puppet in their game. Please, they plan to kill us both. Something about being stuck in time and being the Empress Of Time, or something like that... Please just believe me." He stares at me with his remembering eyes, then he shakes his head. "Can't believe you unless you say something about me that poor Nova doesn't know about."

I thought about his latest video about PUBG shutting down Fortnite, and that was posted a day ago. Surly Nova couldn't have heard his latest video because the last one she saw was a FNAF video, which was posted a week ago! "You posted a Fornite VS. PUBG theory a day ago. Nova doesn't know that because she told me that the latest video she saw was the 'The Theory That Changed Everything' FNAF video you posted a week ago."I say, and he smiled, and gave me a hug. "Oh Nate, I thought you were insane! I can't believe I would criticize you for hurting me!" He flinches, and moves back as more blood comes from his chest. "What are we gonna do with that?" I say, pointing to his stab. He sighs, "I probably won't last long. It was a miracle that I even survived that stab. When you- I mean, when Nova carried Angel and I to the pizzeria, I thought I was already dead and heading towards the light." He chuckled in a sad and depressing way. "If you survive, please let Steph know that I have always loved her, and that I will always be with her forever." Tears fall from his eyes, and he starts to sniffle. "Dude, Matt, step away from those depressing stuff. Just believe that you'll get out alive. But if you go down, I'll go with you. At least I won't have to fight the depression of losing you." I help him get up, and he wipes his tears. "Thanks for being there for me, Nate. You are one of the best, if not only, friend that helped me during tough times. I really don't know how to repay you." Matt says, trying to walk. I wrap an arm around him. "Just don't die." 

*Aww! Cute! There are way more questions to be answered, and will be answered in the next one. Hopefully you guys enjoy my content! Bye!*

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