Chapter 23: Jaiden and Will. (Showdown!)

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Jaiden (Jaiden Animations):

I wake up in a dark room, extremely dizzy. "The frick? Where am I?" I try to say, but I'm muffled with a piece of duct tape. I try to move, but I'm locked in a chair with very durable rope. Beside me I see Will unconscious. I can't wake him up, because I can't even move, but soon he did. I was told to keep calm in instances like this... but heck! I can die here!

Will (DAGames):

"Wait.. I recognize this place..." As soon as I thought that, I immediately saw the connections. Dark room, blood stain in front of a small staircase, and the stairs leading to small light. This is where Dawkins died!! The blood stain in front of the stairs is Dawko's! Tears fall from my face and get absorbed by the duct tape. "Last time Dawko died, and now it's my turn..." I conclude in my head as I turn to face Jaiden. She seemed extremely worried, and I wanted to let her know that I'll be the one dying here, but I was brought back by a piece of flippin' tape.

Soon, after minutes of staring at Jaiden, I heard Hoodie Girl arrive. I was blinded by a large amount of light as the trapdoor opened. The trapdoor where I had witnessed Dawko's death.

"Hello my dears..." Her voice rang through the echoing black room as I heard Jaiden breathe even heavier than before. As Nova came into view, I noticed that she was staring directly at me. "Well Will, I think you know who's gonna meet Dawkins next." I saw Jaiden's eyes move to me. I glance back at her with a worried look and a tear falls from her beautiful face. I look back at Nova to see a figure behind her. As it came closer, I saw what it was. "Let me introduce my little pet. This is Jurogomo's daughter, and you are her first bite." A spider the size of a young human child came into view. She hissed, and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up.

Nova laughed and walked toward Jaiden who was freaking out at the sight of evil Nova. I wanted to say ''I told you so," but that wouldn't be such nice last words to say. Nova holds poor Jaiden by the chin, and says something that I couldn't quite hear. Either way, Jaiden was relived, which made me happy, but also confused of why she would act that way. I turned back to the distracting spider, who kept waking in circles around my chair. Her eyes locked to mine, and I swear, she was totally ready to kill me. I gulped, and Nova walked back to me. I turned to face Jaiden, and saw that she was gone. "What did you do to Jaiden?" I wanted to scream, but once again, I was stopped by that stupid piece of duct tape. I fricken hate duct tape now.

*Once again, I appreciate the amount of kindness I got from you readers. My dad had WiFi, but he uses it for himself, since he has office work to attend to. Thank you for being patient for chapters from me. I'm trying my absolute hardest to give you one every day or two. Please bare with me. This'll only last for 1 month, and then we'll be back to normal.*

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