Chapter 4: Nate? Is That You?

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Lewis Dawkins (Dawko) :

My eyes flutter open, as my consciousness does too. My eyes immediately search for an exit, but I can't seem to find any. I regain my surroundings and find myself tied down to a chair. Will, one of my friends, is tied down next to me, not making a sound. After him, I see nothing but darkness. I struggle with the ropes, hoping to get free. I try to wake up Will, but my mouth is taped shut with duct-tape. I try to recollect my memories, but there is screaming in the room next to me, blocking my thoughts. I use the tips of my fingers to feel the knot of the rope. The rolling hitch. Since I've identified the knot, I can get out of it. After a few tries, the grasp around my body loosens, and I get out. I shake my limbs and untie unconscious Will out of the chair as well. I shake Will, but he doesn't budge. I quietly sneak to the doorway of another room. The room where I hear screaming. Well, I heard screaming.

Nate Sharp (NateWantsToBattle):

I grasp onto Matt as he collapses into my arms. I have so many questions that Matt collapsing is only one-fifth of my worries. I pick him up and carried him to one of the chairs. He was out cold. I'd never seen Matt like this before, and to see him like this on my birthday, I couldn't hide a tear. "Why? Why Matt, out of all people.. thinking of people, where are they?" I think to myself as I turn to all the corners. There were signs of people, with a purse here, and a glass there, but none was to be found. "Hello?" I say aloud, just in case people were planning a surprise. "Guys, this isn't funny. Come out." I then turn to Matt. "Hey, dude, MatPat, get up man. I was seriously worried about you. Just get up, and I'll be chill, or else I'll never forgive you. MatPat, just get up... Please?" I pray to myself that this was all a joke, but no one answered, neither did my best friend. "Oh, why did I listen to Nova, and invite these people I don't even know? I should've just kept it with Matt and his family, along with The Game Theory Team, and my family. I should've kept it that simple, but no. I didn't. I invited people I don't even know, and now I've gotten my best friend, and probably everyone else in big danger." I think as I look around. "Where is Nova anyway? Where are the people that I invited?" I remember the purse on the table and immediately start searching for anything handy. I find two drivers licenses. One for James, another for Jaiden. "Oh, these are the two animators Nova told me to invite... this is probably Jaiden's purse..." I keep searching until I find a pocket knife. It was hidden very well, in one of the far pockets, so it took me a while to find it. I slide it in my back pocket as I heard a noise. 

"I'm back!"

Who is this person? Where is Dawko? Where is everyone else? What will happen next? Find out in the next one. 

*Hello! I don't have any questions, except one. Are you enjoying this? Let me know. Is there also anything I should improve on?*

*Also, VOTING TIME! Choose someone to save, and the one with the most votes will be saved in the next chapter.*

*Dawko OR Will(DAGames)?*

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