Chapter 20: Sorceress Nate.

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MatPat (Game Theory):
*A few weeks ago*

Nate and I walk for minutes in darkness until finally we're hit with blinding light. "Nate look! Angel! And Nova?" I say confused, as Nate block his eyes from too much light. We both run into the room, even though I just got stabbed in the chest. Both girls are tied to a chair and unconscious. "Matt, you sit, and take it easy, I'll get both of them off the ropes." Nate says, walking toward Nova first. "No! Not Nova. Definitely not her. She manipulated you and controlled you, and you still want to get her out?" I say, getting a little angry toward Nate. "Nate literally just got controlled and manipulated by this girl, and he chooses to forgive her? Well, I mean, not now! We have to find a way out first!" I think as I sit down in the chair next to Angel. I turn to face her, and shake her by the shoulders as Nate unties her. "Angel, are you okay?" I say, and she doesn't answer. "Is she okay?" Nate asks picking her up by hips, and resting her on his shoulder. "I don't think so, I mean, I haven't tried waking her up." He nods, places Angel on a different chair, and coils the rope. "Here, we might need it." Nate says, handing the coiled rope to me. I grab it, and try to put it in my backpack, until I realized that I left the backpack in the car. "Oh shoot." I say, siting back on the chair. "What's wrong?" Nate says, as he looks around for more necessities. "I just realized I left my backpack in the car. It had everything. It had my camera for recording, it had our phones, it had the printed script, your computer, even a can of Diet Coke!" I say, sighing. Nate pats me on the shoulder, and says, "It's fine Matt. We'll probably like record some other day after we get this sorted out." But I'm not thinking about recording. I'm thinking about my sweet sweet Diet Coke. It was the last one from the case, and I thought I would bring it for good luck. Well, I don't think it worked.

Nate carries Angel by the shoulder as I carry the rope and flashlight. "So, where are we heading to next?" I say, as I turn on the flashlight. "In heaven. That's where." I hear a woman whisper. "Did you hear that?" I say slightly getting worried. "No... why? Did you hear something?" Nate asks his eyebrows slowly arching. "I thought I did..." I say, unsure if it was in my mind or if I actually heard a voice. We carry on walking straight, unsure of our destination. Then I hear the voice again. "You've reached the recording station. Welcome home!" The same female voice rings around the entire room. Before I could ask any questions to the voice, it speaks again. "Now, who's willing to be sacrificed?" Her voice hisses, and I shiver. We both look at each other, and no one says a word. "Alright then, let me pick. Nate is strong, pretty dumb, and Matt is weak but really brilliant." I just glanced at Nate, and he did the same. I had no words for this. "So, that means I let fate choose. Ready guys?" Still, we don't answer. "Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Mo... Catch a tiger by its toe... If it hollers let it go... my mom says to pick the best and you are not it..." It was funny that a woman would use such kid language, but the next thing she said wasn't laughing matter.

Nate (NateWantsToBattle):

"Matthew Patrick..." The female voice says. I glance at Matt, and I saw his worried look on his face. I wanted to pat him on the back, and say it's alright, but... "Matthew Patrick, please move aside. Nathan Smith, I choose you."

*Creepy! What do you think the female voice is gonna do to Nate? Who is the female voice? Find out in the next one!*

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