Chapter 5: Dawko and Will... Showdown!

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Will (DAGames):

      "Lewis? Hello? Anyone?" I say, trying not to be scared. For some reason, I was alone in a dark room with two chairs and a pile of rope. I stand from one of the chairs and walk toward a distant light. I see a figure looking in the light, and I'd recognize that body anywhere. 

      "Dawko!" I scream as I run up to my friend. He turns in surprise, and his eyes widen. "Will! I thought you would never wake up! We need to get out of here immediately. Someone has set us up, and we need to leave now." I nodded, but a question remained in my head. "What in the flipping world happened? I don't remember coming to this area, let alone leave my house!" Lewis took a look back at the room with light, and said, "I just saw two other YouTubers acting very weird. It seems like they have no clue of what's going on. If we find a way out of here, we're bringing everyone else too." I started to get a little angry. "Who cares about those other fricken YouTubers when we have ourselves to save first?" My mind screams, but I don't want to hurt Dawko at such a serious time like this, so I just kept silent. 

Lewis (Dawko):

       I start to worry that Will isn't on my side anymore. We've been best friends from I don't know how long, and it'll be very tearing to see him not be on my side at a breaking point like now. We both walk in the lighted room, and suddenly we're both hit with flashbacks. 

       "We...We were at a birthday party... NateWantsToBattle... Nathan Sharp's party..." Will whispered as he came to me. "I don't remember what happened next.." I responded. We both just stared at the backdrop for a while... "This brings me Bendy vibes..." Will jokes. "I promise...I saw MatPat and Nathan here... Nathan was worried, and MatPat was unconscious... It feels like a dream... Something doesn't feel right..." Will stares me right in the eyes, and responded, "No kidding, Sherlock." 

Will (DAGames):

      We both didn't talk for a while, we just minded our own business. Dawko went right, and I went left. It was a little after 6:00 when I heard a clash and Lewis screaming. We both got into a fight a few minutes ago, but he was still my friend. "Lewis!" I shout, trying to find where he went off to. Finally, I see what caused the crash, but no Dawko. A purple vase lay broken on the wooden floor "Dawkins!?" I shout, twice as loud. After panicking for like years, I notice a trapdoor below the broken vase. I stand back from it, cause I've seen enough horror movies to know that it's not a good idea to go in dark places like that...but my friend is probably under there! I open the door and went down its slope. I kept the door propped open with a table, just in case the door slams on me, horror movie style. I shuffle through my pockets to find a sticky note, but no phone. "Oh, goddammit," I mutter under my breath, as I check my jacket for my phone. I go even deeper into the slope until I hear a familiar muffled voice. "Lewis!!" I cry for the third time, as I see my friend being taken down to the deep depths of the cellar. There was a hooded figure with odd pictures on her back. I run up to it, demanding for my friend to be let go, and I trip. 

"Dawko!!!" I cry one last time... before I see Lewis Dawkins die right before my eyes. 

*The first death... very sad, but the story must go on. Hopefully, you enjoy this episode! Sorry if I'm a bit slow on uploading, I have school from 8-3, and I finish a chapter in about 2 hours each. You'll probably expect a chapter every day at around 8 P.M EST, in America. Peace!*

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