Chapter 21: Memories Forgotten.

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MatPat (Game Theory):

"No, it can't be... after all the physician said... it was real. Nova... she's real... The Sorceress... she was real too... Her powers... also real..." My mind tried to process all the new information, but it seemed too much. Then, it finally clicked. Ms. Ida hypnotized me! That's why I never woke up after drinking that weird punch! I had those visions again! Ms. Ida told me to never sleep, or else I'd get weird hallucinations like seeing my best friend become an evil sorceress! And now, since I fell unconscious, my hallucinating mind came back into view, and I now know that it's all true.

          My head began to hurt with all that information. Nate caught me by the shoulders, and raised me to keep from fainting again. "Dude, don't lose me again. I've lost you once, and
I didn't like that." Nate whispers as I rub my eyes. "The heck happened?" I ask, balancing on my own. "Long story."

*A few minutes of explaining later*

          I shake my head. There were too many much puzzle pieces left that I couldn't answer. One of the main questions were even unanswered. "Where are the others?" It was a simple question, but it opened many others. Nate and I kept searching, but no traces of anything was found. All doors were locked except the bathroom.

           When we opened it, we were surprised. There was a big chest, like a treasure trove of some sort, and a key thrown beside it. It was shady, but it was evidence that people were here.

          I shuffle the key into the lock, and the top pops open. Nate walks forward, and takes the lid off, and a paper laid in its place. I took it, unfolded it, and started to read.

          Dear reader (or at least, MatPat and Nate),

          I have your invited guests. I'm pretty sure you guys remember the "Natemare" incident a few weeks ago, and this is an almost replica of what had happened during that horrid time.

         I growled at the sight of Nova's handwriting, but Nate ushered me to go on.

Hopefully you know about my mom, but if you don't, then let me explain. Basically she was once a young peasant... you know how every evil flashback starts. She then made a deal with an evil god to get power. She ran off and killed the owner of the estate that had the right things to make her Empress Of Time. She then trapped the estate in time, hoping that she'll live forever. But she wanted more. She wanted to become the Empress Of Time. (MatPat already knows my mom's whole story, and will be glad to share it with Nate.)

My hand is hurting from tying your friends and writing this letter, so I'll stop there. Here is a clue for the next slip of info.

I'm in a container without no lid. I'm in a container that is not not wood. I'm in a container that isn't not the highest shelf.

"What the heck?" I say, after reading the letter aloud. "'I'm in a container with no lid, I'm in a container that is not wood, and I'm in a container that is not the highest shelf.' What does that mean?" Nate asks, peering over my shoulder. "I don't know," I say, folding the letter and sliding it in my pocket. We both walk out of the bathroom, and Nate makes a plan. "Let's split, and look for any containers. If you find anything that matches the description, come find me. I'll be searching in the bathroom." I nod, and Nate walks through the bathroom doorway.

"Let's see if we can find anything of that description..." I think, gazing at the big shelf of containers in front of me.

*Hello!! I'm in the plane now!! Thankfully I finished the chapter before I got on. If you want a song to listen to on the plane like me, check out Natewantstobattle's music! My fav 3 as if now is Bones, Call It Off, and Phantom. Share yours in the comments! I'll be glad to have some new songs on my playlist! Peace!*

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