Chapter 15: Make-Up On A Man.

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MatPat (Game Theory):

          "Oh gosh, Nate's coming..." I think as I slowly move to the passenger seat, as Angel moves to the seat next to me, following my every move. "Angel, run," I whisper, and she opens the door and takes off. Nate's blue eyes go directly to the poor girl, and I immediately distract him. I slowly open the door, looking like I was trying to escape, and suddenly, he was in front of me, holding something sharp. A knife. As I turn to run, he stabs me in my chest, and I howl very loudly. 

          "MatPat!" I hear from a distance as my vision blurs. "Angel!" I try to cry out, but instead, I spit out my blood. I lean on my car, getting a red stain on my windshield. That was the least of worries because I saw Nate advancing toward Angel. I close my eyes and try to shield out the pain as I hear Angel scream for her life. "AHHH! Someone he.." She choked, and suddenly I could only hear the silent wind. Then, I hear Nate whisper, "I've heard of the saying 'kill 2 birds with 1 stone', and now I finally know what that means." I groan, as more blood drenches my messy shirt. "Is someone recording this? Is this all a setup? Is this the Halloween special Nate was talking about?" I think as I feel myself being carried towards a light. "This is it, I'm dead. Goodbye world... Goodbye theorists... Goodbye Steph... Goodbye Internet..." And lastly, before I blacked out, I said out loud, "Goodbye my unborn child..." 


          My eyes slowly open as I try to remember what brought me here. "I saw my favorite YouTuber, Matthew Patrick, and wanted to get his autograph... then what? I can't remember anything after that!" I think as I struggle in ropes. "Wait, what? Where am I? Why am I tied here? Where is MatPat?" I try to scream, but instead, I'm muffled with a piece of very durable duct-tape. As my sight clears, I try to notice things around me, but all I see is pitch black all around. It was like I was still sleeping, but I felt awake. It was a weird feeling but it didn't last for long. I felt dizzy, and then it came to me. "I was drugged!!"  I shout in my head, as all the memories from before fill my brain. I saw Matt getting stabbed, I saw myself running from my other favorite YouTuber, NateWantsToBattle. I even saw myself lose consciousness while Nate carried me toward Matt. "MatPat! Where is he? I saw him getting stabbed by Nate, but do people survive that?" I think as I struggle harder in the ropes, getting burns on my arms. After a few minutes of me drowning in my thoughts, a light flickered on. I was blinded by the amount of light that suddenly came on, so I couldn't see for a long time. 

           "Heh... look who's awake..." I hear. I can't decide if it's a man or a woman, because it kept changing pitch. "Who...Who are you?" I ask, trying to look at the person in front of me, but since the light was so bright, it felt like I was talking to a wall. "Well, let's say I'm the kidnapper of 2 YouTubers and plan to use them to make my mother young again." The voice says, this time actually sounding like a female. "Why does that sound familiar?" I think as my mind flashes to my favorite YouTube Red series, Escape The Night. I feel a pair of eyes staring at me as I think about EtN. "What are you thinking about?" I blink my eyes for a few times, and suddenly I can see again. Looking at the kidnapper made it even worse. She had an evil grin, black outfit, and galaxy hair that I'll only expect in movies. I was so scared of her look that I forgot to answer her question. She came a bit closer and pulled me closer by the collar of my shirt. "What did you think about, darling?" With an even closer look of her, I couldn't help but spill my thoughts out to her. I tried talking about Escape The Night, but all that came out were muffles. "Oh, right. Sorry, hon." The galaxy hair girl says as she rips off the tape from my lips. As soon as she did, I screamed for my life. 

          "Someone!! Help!! I'm being take.." Right before I can even finish the sentence, I get a burning slap from the girl. I whimper in pain, and she stares at me with her blue dusty eyes. "Don't you dare make a sound, or will hurt someone. Matter be it you or your favorite YouTubers." I stay silent, not wanting to hurt anyone, and she smiles. "Good job. Now, tell me what was in your sweet little mind." She ordered, and I did what she said. "Uh, when you were telling me who you were, I got a sudden flashback from a YouTube Red series called Escape The Night where the main villain, well, at least in season 2, wanted to stay young forever..." A sudden jolt of energy interrupts my description as the kidnapper screams like a boy. I stay in shock, not making a sound until I heard a familiar voice. "You need to run. She's onto me. She's controlling me, she's..." NateWantsToBattle's voice trails off as the girl comes back on again. It was really strange to hear, but then, I was kidnapped. I couldn't do anything anyway. 

*Hello! Hope you are having a fantastic day/night! Well, I kinda am...not. Too much work during Summer Break, even though it's SUMMER BREAK. Sorry if the posting took a while, just needed to make sure everything is good. I still need more votes of who's gonna die! MatPat's safe, because he got the first vote, so now it's Jaiden Animations, OddOnesOut, NateWantsToBattle, or DAGames. 

Jaiden VS. OddOnesOut

Nate VS. DAGames*

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