Chapter 28: It Was Only A Video Idea...

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MatPat (Game Theory):

*A few weeks ago*

"Wait, you're the mom of Nova?" I say, slightly twitching. Angel grips my hand, and I held it like she was my life. The Sorceress nods. "Yup. She was pretty convincing, wasn't she? No one could ever say no to that poor face, especially not Nate! Works like a charm." Angel glanced at me, and I mouthed, "I'll tell you later," and turn back to The Sorceress in Nate's body. "Now, let's read the first part, shall we..." Nate says as he flips to the first paragraph.

"Scene one, news clip of Nathan Smith's murder, and Matthew Patrick's introduction as a villain."

"Wow! My daughter has a way with words!" The Sorceress says mid-way. "Wait, so are we gonna kill Nate?" Angel says, scared. "No... remember that it was all a setup, so we're going to do the same." She points to me. "Matthew, you still have that bloody stab, right?" I wince, remembering the horrible stab. Angel gasps and takes a step back. I sigh and unravel my shirt from the stab wound. Angel whimpers as she sees her favorite YouTuber's bloody body. "MatPat," she starts and immediately looks away. I wish The Sorceress didn't make me remember that wound. It was kinda healing by itself...

Even though Angel looked away, The Sorceress, or at least Nate in that matter, smiled and examined my stab with her eyes. I turned my body, and she frowned. "Matthew, why did you turn away? Do you not trust your best friend?" I growled under my breath but turned my body back. I didn't want to mess with her now that I know who she is. "Alright, now hand me your shirt." I use my right arm and hand her my bloody shirt. She takes off Nate's shirt and swaps it with mine. It looks exactly like he was stabbed too! I changed into Nate's clean shirt and tapped Angel on the shoulder. "You're fine now, Angel." She turns sadly and sees Nate in my shirt. "Ah! When did you get stabbed?" Angel turned halfway before I touched her shoulder. "He's wearing my shirt, Angel. It's fine." She nods, and turns back, but doesn't meet our gaze. The Sorceress takes one look at the script and starts reading.

"(Matthew reads the newspaper aloud.)

Matthew: 'Famous musician Nathan Smith went missing after working at Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria as a night guard. Police say he might be dead.' Ha! Oh, look at this one! 'Psychopath and murderer Matthew Patrick escapes jail. Keep on the lookout for this face!' I can't believe I'm on the front page of the newspaper!

(Crash sound out of frame)

Matthew: Hmm? Who can that be? Well, I'm not going near that door even if it was a mailman.

(More crashes)

Matthew: What the hell is happening outside? I'm supposed to be hidden, but seems like these sounds are gonna give me away!

(Matt. walks to the window, and pulls up the blinds a little to see nothing)

Matthew: ...

(Matt. turns his back for one second to hear more crashes behind him)

Matthew: That's it, I'm...

(Matt. is muffled by a piece of cloth, and faints. The <unknown character> takes unconscious Matt. and walks off camera)

(Scene one complete)"

I gasp. "Me? As a villain? Nate missing?" I say, and The Sorceress nods and hands me the script. True to her words, I was the villain. "Can we change this?" Angel says, jumping to my side. The Sorceress takes the script from me and flips through the script. "I don't think you need to change it..." She smirks, and Angel and I exchange worried looks.

*It's time to vote again! Matt and Nate are safe, so now it's Jaiden and James. Voting ends tomorrow, so make sure you're heard! Whoever gets the first vote, they'll be safe, until the other contestant gets more votes. *

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