Chapter 34: Fallen Wings.

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MatPat (Game Theory):

*A Few Weeks Ago*

As she tried to tie the cloth to my mouth, I stare at the hidden lens, hoping that someone will find this camera. I think my silence was bothering her because she asked me why I stopped screaming and kicking. I lied and said that I was out of breath, but she didn't take it. She took a glance at what I was looking at and immediately understood. "You tried to hide it, didn't you? Yep, now Angel is dead. Sorry girl." I look at Angel, and she didn't do anything to stop her fate. She just looked at the dusty floor, without making a single sound.

"I'm sorry Angel..." I think in my head as I see Angel scream for her life. For some reason, it felt like my wife was the one being killed. My beautiful Stephanie getting killed? Oh heck no! I screamed and kicked so hard that I could've become the Hulk right then and there. "Angel!! Please Natemare! Don't do this to me!! She is only a harmless girl! I'm the one you want, right??" My vision blurred with tears and my mind was fogged with anger and sadness. I couldn't do anything as I saw Angel's body go limp, blood trailing from her chest. I was so defeated that I didn't even hear anything Nate said after that. I didn't even hear the telephone until the second ring.

"Hey look Matthew, it's a call for you!!" I felt Natemare whisper in my ear. My head throbbed through the loss of blood, so I was only able to pick my head up and listen to the old ring of a landline telephone. Natemare didn't answer the call, instead he picked up the phone, and placed it to my ear. "Hello, Hello? Okay listen, I have no idea where you are or how you got there. But what I do know is that the guy you were seen with last night, he's bad news. Well, some good news is that if you're hearing this, chances are, you're still alive. Just stay calm, and if you can, avoid him at all costs..." My mind flashes to the FNaF phone calls, as the phone guy keeps speaking. Then, Natemare comes to my ear, and whispers, "This is all just a setup, Matthew. All just a setup." "Please just stay alive." That was the last thing I heard from phone guy before the phone moved away from my neck.

"Ugh.." The extreme loss of blood makes me go drowsy, so drowsy that I can't even comprehend what's going on around me. I don't even realize that Nate's FNaF 2 song, "Mangled," is playing while Natemare walks around me, grabbing my neck almost every 10 seconds. Her voice was so clear. Like she was the actual Nate. She knew everything that Nate does. Holding the guitar the way he does... she even taped the microphones too! She knew the lyrics.. and she even had that Nate slang! While performing to the camera, she was always smiling. Watching. Having fun. Whilst I'm fighting for my consciousness.

"It's what we're made to do, you act like we're to blame! Wear a mask to hide yourself, when really it makes us the same. A couple hours but it's feeling like days, now you're running out of power, leaving you 'Mangled' and winding away!!" The song finishes as I hear Natemare's nightmarish laugh trail out. "Good acting there Matthew. Well I already know that you are a actor in your high school days, but amazing acting anyway." I hear Natemare say, as he wipes off his makeup.

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