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As soon as I put my lips on his, waves of heat swarm up in body. The jittery feeling I got in the pit of my stomach as his soft lips rubbed against mine was making me ticklish. I hear a glottal groan coming from his throat as he wrapped his two strong arms around me and lift me up a little but only to put me down again but this time in his lap. My legs goes around either side of his waist while I held his should from my one hand and I pull his face from my other hand toward me. It looks like the butterflies in my stomach are trying to come out of my mouth leaving a ticklish feeling along their way out. A small pull from his arms and my body was flushed against his. I just moan inside his mouth.  I wrapped my arms around his neck as he keep his arms wrapped around my waist.  When I feel the lack of oxygen in my lungs I pull back, with a gentle tug on my bottom lip with his teeth, he let me go.

I lookup in his eyes and I saw what I have always craved for.

Love. And only love.

I almost purred like a kitten, internally.

He was just looking straight in my eyes. Not able to hold up his gaze, I lowered my lashes.

But his bring his hand up to my face and lifting my chin up he said.

"I want to make you the happiest girl in this world."

"I already am. " I smiled at him. Only he can make me happy.  So now if I have him all that's all what I need to make myself happy.

"This is not the half of how much I want to make you happy. I want to bring you all the happiness of the world. " he sound so sincere that I was not able to look away.

With that he pull me into his arms and I rest my face in his neck as he hug me back tightly.

"You are so warm sanyukta." I hear him whisper.

Yeah of course I would be. The way you touch me, always make my blood to rush in every nook and corner of my body and making the waves of heat churn in my lower belly.

"Damn sanyukta,  your words are such a turn on." He groan.

Damn did I said that aloud.

"Yes you did." He chuckle.

Then feel the sleeve of my top slipping down a small kisses being planted on my shoulder. 

My grip on his shoulder became tighter as I tried to hold a moan back.

"Sanyukta, stop me right now if you want to." He requested as I now feel his lips on my neck.

I bite my lip to hold back the yelp as he bite down on my neck. Hard.

"I can give you the best time of your life sanyukta." He said between the kisses which he was planting around my neck.

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