2K 95 18

The crashing sounds around me stop suddenly. I hear something falling with a thump. I hear some faint footsteps going away then I hear a faint sound of someone sighing.

Suddenly I felt a hand on my arm. I dont know why but I felt something in my heart.

Did my heart flutter ?

I dont know maybe I have hit my ribs really hard.

Then the hand on my arm move and turned over so now I'm laying on my back. Then the hand was gone from my arms but soon again I felt being wrapped in two warm strong arms and being lifted up and i was too limp to even react. I cant move my mode but my senses were probably  alert. Probably.

I wonder where I'm right now but my body hurts so much for care for it right now.

Its like I'm finally getting a good sleep after fucking two years I'm not a fool to deny it and that what im going to do.

I didnt think much about anything until the numbness overpowered my senses.

But a thought still linger in a corner of my mind.

There is very familiar scent around me. Very familiar.

And everything black out....


"When... okay...medicine....no..no..totally bed rest.... no ....proper diet. ....proper care. .. is she in depression. ..something... "

My ears catch some of the words which were spoken around me. Probably,  a woman voice. Woman??

I tried to open my eyes but my head began to hurt again. I tried to move a little but unable to move an inch. I can feel softness of a mattress below my back and softness of fury blanket over my body.

Then i felt a warm hand being placed on my forehead. And that hands cares my hairs lightly as if removing all the hairs from my forehead.

"Get well soon dear" i hear a faint voice. Filled with care. Then i felt a kiss being planted on my head. It almost felt motherly. But the question is, it belongs to whom?

I felt a sudden sting of the back side of my left palm, it felt like a needle. Am i being injected?

What is happening?

Then I hear faint footsteps going away from me and a faint click of a door being closed.  And i , again fall in the deep slumber.


I lift my heavy lashes but the sudden brightness of the room make me shut my eyes again. I groan a little as i tried to move my hand to cover my eyes. Suddenly I hear some shuffling around me.

Who it could be? Those men? Bikers?

Past incidents came rushing into my mind and i shivered.

"Sanyukta? Are you awake? " I hear a very familiar concerned voice which belongs to......


I sighed.

I open my eyes again noticing that he is hovering just above me which is blocking the Sun rays reaching to my eyes.

'Aryan. ' I whispered and try to get up a little but he stop me to do so.

'No. Dont move. Because you can't. You are injured badly. You have a broken rib and bandages all over your arms and legs. And yeah let's not forget your little pretty head which has many injuries too." He finished his scolding and i roll my eyes.

'Its not my mistake. I guess" i whisper slowly.

'It is." He chipped sitting beside my thigh due to which Sun rays hit my face again and I cringe a little.

But wait......

Its not our house....

"Where are we?' I question looking around the fully furnished room.

"Your home." He chipped and smiles.

"Very funny." I mutter.

But his smile got brighter.

"Why are you smiling? " I asked him narrowing my eyes.

"Because im happy. " He chipped still smiling.

I have never seen him smiling like this in these two years.

'By seeing me in this condition? " I asked.

"No stupid. I just rectified a huge mistake. " He beams .


"Which mistake are you talking about? And. ... aryan..... I maybe wrong but I think your lip has a deep cut." I asked looking keenly at his cut.

He laughed and touched his lip.

"Actually I deserve it." He laughs.

I look at him confusingly.

'I want to go home' I try to get up again.

"You are at your home sanyukta. " he smiles again.

"Its my time to go home." He chipped and all shine of his eyes is gone and that smile just vanished.

'What? What are you talking about? "
I swear I didnt have a good feeling in my heart. ..

"Goodbye sanyukta. Take care." He leans in and softly kissed my forehead.

Tear formed in my eyes.

'What are you saying aryan? What are you doing? Don't do this. This is a very sick joke. " I began to sob. I dont know why i began to cry. But i just cry. Tears began to fell freely. My heart is sinking.

He get up on his legs and just smiled brightly at me. But i see tear forming in his eyes too.

"Im sorry sanyukta. I'm just so sorry. " the smile is gone and the tear fell from his eyes.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter...

Sanable!  book 2Where stories live. Discover now