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My eyes jerk open and i sit straight.  I looked down and i was inside my warms whites blankets in on warm comfy bed.  When did i even ended up here? Then i frowned as  i concentrated on what happened ?

Holy shit. I fall asleep. I fucking fall asleep.  

I facepalmed myself. How could i even ruined my chances to get my answers. What if he won't ever open up again like that?  What if he thought that i dont care about his feeling because i slept when he was finally opening up to me.

Oh goshhhh!!!

I need to talk to him. Our discussion wasn't even over yet. Why am i so dumb?

Swiftly i remove the blankets off me and turn sideways to put my legs down but stop abruptly when my eyes fall on a written note on my nightstand.

Hey angel, you slept in the car while our conversation. I just didn't want to wake you up so dont think that our conversation is over. I have many more things to say and listen.
Sleep well.
P.s. i will not be home till midnight. Some work to take care of.
By: still your husband.

I smiled to myself after reading it and fall back on my bed with that notes near to me.

I sighed.

I never imagined that  we will ever be like this.

I look up at the clock. Its 18:00. Its time to go down.

I quickly brushed my hair and make my way down and i saw granny and sid going towards the kitchen. I quickly sprinted up to them. Sid flashes a full smile when he saw me coming  and then granny smiled up at me too and i gave them back.

"Sanyukta...thank god..you came down. Could you please hold him for a moment i gotta handle a quick business. Its urgent. " granny asked

"Of course granny. " i laughed while taking sid in my arms.

"Its time for his milkshake. Its in the kitchen..." granny began..

"Got it granny. Dont worry. I will take it from here." I chipped to granny and make my way to kitchen with sid in my arms. I took the milkshake and emptied it in his sippy cup and hand it to him and he began to drink from it like an obedient cute baby.

Aww..he is so adorable.

I make my way to the living room again where granny was, talking on the phone.

"No..not blue.. its purple.  All balloons should be purple. All curtains..chairs...carpet . The theme is purple. ..and white highlights like flower and all lightening should be perfect.... and yeah randhir will be coming over there so he will handle the rest." Granny tells over the phone.

All of this just spike my curiosity. And i listen keenly.

Suddenly the phone in the living room rang. I sprung up from my seat to pick up the phone.

"Hello!" I said.

"Hey. Slept well.?" He asked.

I blushed i dont know why..


"Is granny busy?" He asked.

"Yeah actually she is talking to someone on phone." I answered.

"Okay maybe thats why she isnt picking up the call. " he mumbled to himself.

"Is there something occasion coming over?" I asked

"Umm yeah..actually. .." he was cut of by..

"Is it randhir?" Granny asked.

"Yeah granny. He was trying to call you but he thought  you're busy so he called on..this." i tell giving her the phone and i engaged myself with sid again.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter...

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