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I glance up from my coffee as i feel a pair of eyes burning holes in my skull. I search through all the heads in this crowded place to find that pair of eyes but...

nope. nobody.

Maybe I'm just hallucinating. I bring my focus back to my coffee. I tense up again as i feel that pair of eyes on my back again.

Damn! What the hell...

I glance up again and run my eyes through the crowd again. Everybody seem to be busy in their own life.

I just shake my head again and stand up from my chair. I throw the left of the coffee in the bin and make my way back to my cabin. The thought of being watched never leaving my mind even for a second. I don't know but somewhere in my heart I feel ....scared..

Its not a good feeling.

At all.

I hurry up to the cabin and open the door without knocking out of habit.

Oh oo.

I look up to find a beautiful lady in black office attire and her black high heels, sitting right across aryan.

"Sorry" i slowly chipped and back away but aryan stop me. Immediately.

"Hey shanaya. You are right on time. Here, this is my new assistant... show her the cabin and instruct her all the work she is supposed to do." Chipped aryan calmly.

My mouth hung open but i compose it soon.

New assistant? Then what i am supposed to do now.

I think he sense my confusion and said

"but before that, i want to have some words with you. "

he said dismissing the young beautiful lady but she just smiled at him and make her way out.

I just stand there waiting for him to speak first.

"I want you to take rest for somedays. I can't see you like this. All depressed and roaming with those pluffy eyes and red nose. I feel guilty everytime i look at you in this state." He whispered.


I open my mouth to say something then decided against it. So i keep my mouth shut.

"So. I want you to just take some days off and rest at home." He state.

"Will that work?" I asked.

"It should. You will be away from all the stress." He states again.

"Ummm.. i don't think that's a great idea. while resting at home i don't think i will be doing anything else other than over thinking. While in here, atleast the work and people keep me distracted. " i admit.

And then it click in my mind and guilt rise in my heart.

"And if my condition is affecting your work then you can tell me. I will find any other place to work. I won't bother you again." i chipped and saw his eyes getting cold and his fingers forming a fist.

Opps. Someone look angry here.

He look away take a deep breath.

"Sit. " he chipped. Or we can say commanded.

I obey. Because I won't show but I was scared.

"Look sanyukta.... you know why i keep you in the same company as mine, on the same floor as mine, in the same cabin as mine?" He asked but i just shrug.

"Because i wanted you in front of my eyes everytime. I can't afford to let something happen to you.. don't you know how much I lo...err..care for you" . He whispers and glance around nervously.

He took a deep breath again.

"Fine" i hear his heavy voice.

"You want to continue working for me instead of resting at home ?" He asked and i nodded timidly but then vigorously.

He closes his eyes for a moment...

"Miss winters." He calls ...umm rather say yell...

The same beautiful lady peer through the door. I pretty smile on her cute face. Her black eyes shinning as she look at aryan.

"You are fired"

He chipped and those shinny orbs widen. Smile change in frown. And i glare at him. Really Hard.

He could have been less rude. At least a little.

The pretty lady just nodded and step back but after glaring me hard.

Oh she think she got fired because of me.

Oh buts that's quite true though.

"Can't you talk nicely to anybody? "I asked.

"I can. But if only that anybody is you." He smirked.

"It's not funny. I am feeling bad for that lady now." I pout.

"Feeling bad? For that lady.? And me? What about me? Do you ever feel bad about me? How much hurt i feel everytime when i see you stressed or i see those puffy red eyes. Everytime i look at you i realise the same truth again and again....that.... I " he took a pause as like its hurting him to say out the truth.

"That i can't keep you happy. No matter how hard i try, ...i just.. can't. ."

He whisper and i see sadness flashing in his eyes.

My heart just broke at this sight.

I stand up from my seat make my way to him. I didn't know i was crying until he said..

Hope you enjoyed the chapter...


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