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I took a deep breath. Okay. So this is the moment where i can get some of my answers. I have to take full advantage of this moment.  Who knows if i will get this chance ever again or not. I cant let this chance ruined .

At . Any. Cost.

I softly clear my throat and sit straight in my chair. I glance up and found him doing the same. I can tell he is nervous but he trying his best to hide it. He took a deep breath and close his eyes for a moment.

Is this really hard for him to share things with me?

"Let finish this." He utters softly.

I nodded and cross my hands on the table and he did the same.

"You have to tell me everything happened from the day you made me sign the divorce till this minute of the day. Everything. "

I mutters faking the confidence which i don't have.

He look off guard by my question by the way his eyes widened.

"You cannot ask questions like that. Thats so unfair. And if i didnt mention it before then i want to mention it now i will only tell you whats important for you to know. Other than that I'm not going to answer any of the question. " he finished.

My vision was blurred till now by the rage and tears.

How can i even expect from him to answer me faithfully .

Its all finished. We are done. We can never be together again. It's all done now. Its over now. I am done with him. I don't want to live anymore. I jump out of my chair and began to move away from him. I think i might help him to keep his secret to him forever. I can do something so that he will not have to answer me anymore. I can make it easy for him.

Why me god?

Dont i deserved to be loved?

I never realise when my silent cries turn to sobs while i keep walking on the direction of that cliff edge. Just two more steps and my whole life ends here. Just two steps more and his all problems ends with me. Then he will no longer have to answer anybody.

I close my eyes tightly as i took one more step ahead.

I will miss you granny, mom, sid. I will love you always.

Then finally,

I took one more step ahaed.

All this happen too fast to comprehend.  I tight grip on my arms pulled me forcefully backwards until i am smashed to his chest.

"Are you insane? Don't tell me you were going to fucking kill yourself. Are you out of your mind or something? " he griped my both arms tightly and shook me terriblyby yelling everyword at me.

"Don't touch me. Leave me alone. Just stay away from me. Killing myself is better than being a burden on somebody i love. So stop all this shit. I better die than pleading  you every fucking day to fucking talk to me. " i tell hitting him on his chest with my small fists while pushing him away to let myself free.

"Sanyukta. Stop it. You are not thinking clearly. Try and listen to me once.." i cut him off

"No. I am tired of all of this. This hide and seek. I am tired of your secrets randhir. Please let me go.  I beg you." I cried still pulling myself away from him.

"You want to jumo off this cliff? " i asked suddenly in his calmest tone. Ever.

"Yes. And i want to do it right now so leave me alone. " i give a hard push on his chest. He also stumbled back but didnt leave me.

"Fine. But you are not jumping alone. " he said and my body felt numb.

By the look in his eyes i can say that he is not kidding.

"What the fuck.. no.. you cant do that. ... what about granny.. how she will handle all of that.. and sid..have you ever think about him....you just.... you are soooo...." i cried feeling like noodles in his arms. Its like i have no energy left in me. But his grip around me never loosened. 

"Cant you even let me die peacefully?" I mutters in his chest as he grips me around my waist.

"No. Not alone. Not without me." He  whispered.  I wouldn't have heard that if i wasnt standing that close to him.

I stayed still. Leaning over his body. My head resting on his chest while my hands holding his shirt tightly. With no energy left to fight anymore with him.  I gave up.

I sensed him leaning down a little and in next moment im in his arms in bridal style. I dont have the courage to look up. My tears just shed away one by one.

He walked up to the car and sit on the driver seat with me on his lap. He pull me closer to him while adjusting me on his lap. I could sense his heart beating as like mine.

The old memories hit me. The day when i went to talk to my dad, he did something same like this. I couldnt help but smile throught my tears at the flashing memory.  My heart began to flutter as i felt a light kiss being plant on my head.

My breath almost stuck in my throat the next moment.

"We weren't ever divorced. I fake signatures the papers. Its was all shreya's trap and at that moment i didnt have any back up plan so at that moment it was best way to go with the flow. She had planned to kill you that night.... i did what i think will be best to save you until i have her in control. I have died everyday without you Sanyukta.  I had felt the same as you did. And just for let you know, i have loved you from the beginning and i will love you and only you till the end."

Hope you enjoyed the chapter...

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