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I shivered as the cool breeze hit my face and my hair blow with the flow. I ran my warm wet tongue over my icy cold lips. My teeth clattering.  I wrap my arms around myself. Damn! I think i should have wear some more layer of clothes. I look up at dark sky above. Nothing.  Not even stars. Foggy clouds cover my whole surrounding.

Now I'm feeling like a stupid. Okay let me first tell you what the fuck I'm doing outside of the house in this cold weather at this hour of night.

I was having an urge to drink coffee but my fate seems to hate me. So we haven't had coffee at our house and as  I'm not talking to aryan so i choose not to tell him and make my way out to buy the coffee myself.

I just hope the shop isn't close yet. I clutch my purse which have some money and my phone.

I took a glance in front and try to look at the corner of street to see if any light is on or no.  I did a happy dance when i see one light blinking in this foggy night . It means the shop is still open. I fasten my pace. Fog coming out of my mouth everytime i sigh.

I reach at the shop door and enter in. The warmth of the heated place calm my red cold nose first.

Ohh that was a releif.

I smile at the grumpy shopkeeper and he tried to return it back with his clearly tired eyes.

"Coffee , please." I chipped and he nodded.... and brought a full jar of coffee beans.....

I put the money on the table and took the coffee from him.

"Stay safe." I  hear from shopkeeper.

I open the door and regret it the next moment as cold air hit my now-warm nose again. A shiver ran through my spine....

For a moment i want to run back in the warmth of shop. But no.....

I keep moving towards our apartment... its not far but it's not near either.

You might think why haven't i take a car. This is because i have to ask aryan for the car keys because he has them but i dont want to talk to him.

I increase my pace while coffee jar and my purse in one hand. While my other hand was inside my long sleeve of cardigan.

I jump slightly at a sudden voice behind me. I look behind but see no one but while i was looking behind i bump in a wall.


I look in my front.

Oh oo.. that wasn't a wall.

I see a tall well built man with messy beard covered his jaw. He flashed a creepy smile which showed his yellow and black teeth. He is smelling like he is drunk. I cringe.

I took a step behind and pass across him with my fast pace. I just hear him laughing behind me until i bump in another wall....

uh huh...

bulky chest which is smelling like hell. I look up again and found a similar bulky black bald  man but he isnt smiling instead he is serious.  Dead serious. 

"Excuse me."

I took some steps behind. I don't know what to say what to do. But i know only one thing..... which my brain shouted..

Run sanyukta! !!!

I pushed the bulky man and run for my life. My heart beating fast, I don't know by fear of being caught or by running.

I would have taken almost ten eleven running steps until i was jerked back with a tug on my arm and due to the impact my coffee jar fell down and its broken now with all the coffee powder on the floor.

"My coffee.." i whinned.

Stup up sanyukta.  You are thinking about your coffee.... right now. Like seriously. !!!!!

I hear two creepy man laugh.. but i only cringed. They smell like hell.

Its Alcohol. 

The black bald man hold my upper arm tightly stopping the blood circulation. I hit his foot with my heel and he jumped with pain...loosening his grip. I took the advantage and make my self free. But in the next moment i fall flat on my back as the other man plant a heavy punch on my jawline.


It hurts. It hurts.  It hurts.

I grab my jaw. I felt fresh tear forming. But i cant give up like this. I maintain my composer.

I offer my purse.

"If you guys want money, then go on. You could have just asked rather then using your fists. " i chipped trying to get up but that black man kneel down beside me and pull my hairs back with full force. I felt my hair tearing up from their roots.

"Who said we want money...?" Then i hear those creepy laughter again.

My blood ran cold in my nerves........

The man with yellow teeth bring something out  from his back pocket. ..

My heart thump in my ribs.

A butcher's  knife....

Oh holy angels...am i about to die...?

Hope you enjoyed the chapter...

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