“Let’s get in.” I said, pointing towards the vehicle.

“No, I can’t leave my baby here!” he snapped, looking at his bike. Stupid man!

Men with their obsessive protection towards their objects… their universe orbits round their personal belongings.

“Oh, drive it away then, Styles!” I grumbled to him.

He turned to his bike and mounted his bike to drive it to the car park. I waited a few more minutes and he finally came back by foot. I sighed in annoyance.

His way of walking was really strange, it was as if he swung to a music. His hips were swinging to both sides.

Karl opened the car wide and I slid in. Just a few later, he climbed in.

“It’s cold.” He said, shivering.

He should have worn more clothes, he only had this unbuttoned jacket on his half- unbuttoned shirt. I was wearing a large and warm coat. Too many contrasts between the two of us.

The car started up and I checked my hours one last time. Thirty minutes… It was silent, and I could see him sleeping against the window.

“How is your mother?” I asked, scrutinizing him.

“Well…” he started, then he looked up to me. “She’s still in bed, but she can speak better now.” He replied, His voice was low, I almost could not hear a thing.

“I am sorry.” I said.

I could see Karl’s eyes on the rear-view mirror looking at me, which never happened in years. I smiled at Styles, just to be kind of… kind.

I opened my bag, and looked for a box in it. I finally touched it and I brought it out. I handed the red box to Styles, who looked at me oddly.

“Take it.” I said.

He hesitantly took it and opened the box. His eyebrows met at seeing its content. He gave me a glare and gave it back to me. The box was opened, showing me money I put in it.

“I don’t need your fucking pity.” He spat. I could hear his voice shiver.

“It isn’t pity. It is …”

I couldn’t say the correct the word since I was telling a lie. I really felt pity towards him. I knew they had a lack of money so I just could not let them live in a shitty way.

“It’s for your mother’s hospital due!” I retorted, pulling the box back.

“We don’t need this, we can do it alone.” He started, raising the voice. “You just want to get rid of your remorse and your bad behaviour. You, rich people, are all the same! You think you can buy people. But no one needs your shit.”

I backed up, hitting the window of the door. He seemed too genuine, and he meant everything he said. I couldn’t handle it. Perhaps, he told me the truth, but I never bought people’s affection… No never… I tried to tell myself I was not that kind of person. But it seemed obvious, my mother was the one I copied on to do this. I knew how she used money to do anything she wanted. This was truth. I was… Maybe. What shocked me a lot was that Styles was the only one who dared to tell me such things. He dared to. Facing the truth was hurting. It really did.

“I am not trying to buy you!” I retorted.

“You are.” He spoke harshly.

He finally decided to accept my present.

The car stopped as I sighed in relief. I wouldn’t handle staying with him in this locked place with him. Karl turned to us with terrified eyes. He was really worried and I knew why. The last time I fought against Lens in this car, I threw all my shitty nervousness on the driver.

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