(136) YanRong's Return

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(A/N: Thanks for reading The Witch CEO.

1/3 Updated Chapters

editor and proofreader: RenTheView and Moonlitnight.)

Xiao Mei opened her eyes and saw that she was currently lying on a hospital bed.

She turned her head and saw MinDe sitting beside her. He was looking at her intensely as if he wanted to bore holes on her stomach.


She tried to sit up but her limbs felt weak.

MinDe immediately assisted her. He pulled the pillows and arranged it on her back to use as her support.

"Are you hungry? Are you thirsty? Do you feel pain in your body?"

MinDe's face was as frigid as usual but his eyes were full of worry. Even his voice was very soft, making her bewildered.

'What is wrong with this man?'

Xiao Mei was already accustomed of MinDe's possessiveness and over protectiveness but what he was doing right now was definitely one notch higher than his usual level.

"What's wrong? Mmm?"

She raised her hand and touched his face.

MinDe's face crumpled. His face darkened when he glanced at her stomach.

Xiao Mei noticed his glare and subconsciously touched her abdomen.

'Is there something wrong with my stomach? Is that why I fainted a while ago?'

Xiao Mei suddenly felt sacred.

What if she had a tumor or something?

She looked at MinDe's serious face. She gathered her courage and bravely asked him.

"Is-is there something wrong with my stomach?"

When MinDe heard Xiao Mei's question, his face sank, as if he suddenly remembered something grievous.

Xiao Mei paled when she saw his countenance.

She new it.

There was definitely something wrong with her body. She wanted to open her mouth to ask the problem when MinDe spoke.

"There's something growing inside your stomach."

MinDe's brows were knitted together as he glared resentfully at her abdomen.

Xiao Mei closed her eyes to control her emotions.

'Indeed. Am I dying? It must be terminal since MinDe was acting like that...'

Tears suddenly poured out of her eyes.

MinDe was startled by her sudden outburst and he hurriedly wiped her tears.

"Don't cry.. don't cry..."

"How many more years---no, how many more months before----." before I die?

Xiao Mei could not finish her words.

"Eight more months."

MinDe answered.

Xiao Mei cried loudly and reached for MinDe. She wrapped her hands around his neck and buried her head on his chest.

"Shh.. don't cry.. it's not good for you to cry."

"But--- but I'm dying... *sob* *sob* MinDe, when I die... can you visit me everyday? C-can you not marry someone else? *sob* *sob*"

MinDe froze.

The Witch CEO is NOT a Demoness [COMPLETED] (Editing-- On Process)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin