(95) We Are Your Family

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(A/N: Thanks for reading The Witch CEO.

1/2 Regular Chapters.

editor and proofreader:  RenTheView and Moonlitnight.)


MinFeng carefully undressed FengJiu.

Due to her sudden outburst, her clothes became soaked with sweat.

MinFeng called a nurse and asked her to bring a hospital dress.

He gently pulled all her clothes and swiftly dressed her up. He grabbed a wet cloth and slowly wiped her body.

FengJiu was still sitting like a marionette, not moving at all.

MinFeng sighed.

After he was done wiping FengJiu's body, MinFeng slowly pulled her to lay down on the bed.

He pressed her head on his chest as he caressed her hair.

He did not say anything, he just continued to touch FengJiu's hair.

A few minutes later, MinFeng fell asleep while still holding FengJiu in his arms.





MinFeng did not know how long he was asleep. When he opened his eyes, he found that FengJiu was not inside the room.

He immediately stood up and went to the bathroom, thinking that FengJiu might be inside.

Unfortunately, it was empty. Not a soul could be found inside.

MinFeng immediately ran to the next room but FengJiu was also not in her Yeye's room. It’s as if she just vanished into thin air.

Long Jin, who was sitting on a chair stood up.

"Mr. Lu, is there a problem?"

MinFeng looked at XuanTian. When he found out that the old man was sleeping, he sighed in relief and immediately beckoned Long Jin to follow him outside.

After Long Jin closed the door, MinFeng immediately told him that FengJiu was missing.

MinFeng did not want XuanTian to know about it so he asked Long Jin to notify their subordinates discreetly.

MinFeng went to the command center of the hospital to review the CCTV.

On the screen, he saw FengJiu walking barefooted away from the room.

She was moving in a direction that is on the opposite way to her grandfather's room.

He saw her walking endlessly without care.

MinFeng's heart almost went out of his chest when he saw that FengJiu was going up--- to the rooftop.

Without any delay, he ran towards the elevator.

When he arrived, he saw that there are some patients with their guardians strolling freely. The hospital's rooftop was converted into garden where you can relax while sitting on a bench or on the grass.

MinFeng immediately scanned the surroundings, hoping to find FengJiu.

The hospital was huge so the garden was bigger than the average size. It took him a few minutes to find FengJiu who was sitting on the grass.

She sat there while her eyes was looking at the horizon.

When MinFeng saw her, he felt like he wanted to strangle her. He was angry at her for leaving just like that.

The Witch CEO is NOT a Demoness [COMPLETED] (Editing-- On Process)Where stories live. Discover now