(7) The Witch is Sick?

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[Editor: RenTheView, Proofreader: MoonlitNight]


"There's no need to inform her about this."

"But Chairman. Shouldn't Miss Jiu-----"

"Enough." once again, he coughed and coughed until his white handkerchief was dyed with blood.

He leaned on the seat and closed his eyes.

"To the hospital."

XuanTian took a deep breath and opened his mouth to speak.

"Long Jin, did you know why I hide my illness from FengJiu?"

Assistant Long shook his head while driving. He had been with Chairman Feng for almost ten years, he had seen and heard things that could even wake up the dead. Even the  deepest secret of the Feng Family was known to him but the only thing that he couldn't understand was Chairman Feng's reluctance to tell his granddaughter about his current state and the reason of his illness.

"This subordinate doesn't understand Chairman's reason. Chairman should inform Miss Jiu about your illness. Miss Jiu will be brokenhearted if she finds out that you tried to hide your illness from her."

"FengJiu looks tough and strong outside but that's just her way of protecting herself--- of protecting me.

Ever since both of her parents died in that car accident, FengJiu became antisocial. She withdraw from the outside world and shut herself off.

Feng Family is very complex and it's not a secret that all of her aunts and uncles are eyeing the company, wanting to swallow Feng International that FengMo and I worked so hard."

XuanTian opened his eyes and retrieved a picture hidden inside his wallet.

"Mo'er and LuAn never want to drag FengJiu in the power struggle within the family. But it is I who push FengJiu in this mess.

When she was still small, FengJiu was a dazzling little girl. Her smile is as bright as the sun. She's very lively and naughty.. like a normal child.

But everything changed when she was forced to mature early. Like a bird that was caught in a golden cage. She lost her wings and her ability to fly."

Long Jin went silent after hearing Chairman Feng's words. Few minutes later he said,

"Chairman, I believe it is Miss Jiu's own decision to take over the family business. I know Miss Jiu doesn't regret abandoning everything in order to protect you. If I may say, Miss Jiu is happy even if she has no freedom as long as you are happy, Chairman."

XuanTian shook his head.

"No matter how beautiful and precious the cage is, in the end, it is still a cage.

How could a bird be happy being imprisoned? It has to fly and soar above the sky."

Maybe due to remembering the past, XuanTian suddenly felt depressed and started coughing again.


Long Jin suddenly felt awful. He really wanted to inform FengJiu but he was just a subordinate and he had to obey the Chairman not because he was afraid to get fired but because Long Jin knew that in this kind of situation, outsiders should not meddle in.

"Just drive to the hospital. You must not let anybody know about my illness, especially those white-eyed wolves[1] lurking in the shadows."

"Yes, Chairman Feng. This subordinate understands."

The Witch CEO is NOT a Demoness [COMPLETED] (Editing-- On Process)Where stories live. Discover now