chapter forty-two | don't want to be a playa no more.

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First of all I want to say thank you all for the 3k reads! So much love that is being shown, I truly appreciate it.
But this chapter will be focusing on Bizzy and his playa ways, he is *foreal* going to change.

Excuse all errors, I know I keep saying that cause I be messing up while writing.
I'm taking my time to write instead of typing all speedy lol.

Enjoy and vote before reading!

Thank you again for the love!

Chapter 42

Inside the living room at Bizzy's mansion, his son BJ was watching his favorite show Blue's Clues while eating PB&J sandwiches that was cut in half, giving him two with the sides of apple slices and carrots that Gwendolyn the maid prepared for him.

It was her job to keep an eye on him while his father and stepmom is out.
He was such a good kid but sometimes acts wild; he inherited from his father she can tell.

But besides that, she didn't have a problem with him.

BJ turned his attention away from the TV to look at her then ran towards her.

"Is my Daddy on his way home?"
He asked politely.

"Not yet baby."
She answered in the same tone and smiled.

He stood there, rocking side to side. His right arm was behind his back holding the forearm to left arm that was busy playing through his curly fro that was once small but is growing quick.
He smiled back showing one tooth out in the front of his mouth before turning away to run back to the TV to finish watching his show.

Gwendolyn scooted her back against the couch and continue to watch him until his parents come back from wherever they are.

TRIGGER WARNING: sexual content ahead, don't read if you are not use to it. My sex scenes be cringy asf lol.

Kareema moaned loudly as she laid across the backseat of Bizzy's Cadillac Escalade SUV. She was sitting up on her elbows and legs were up in the air spreaded open as his head was inbetween her legs, eating her out.

Between eating, he had to get quick glances at her to see if she was enjoying it. He smiled when her moaning tells him that she is and he kept going until she came.

Kareema look like she was giving birth. Her breath was shallow, body and face drenched in sweat.
It was hot in his car but she didn't mind, she's use to steamy sex.

She readjust herself to keep from falling off the seat. She gripped on the head from the chair and held it like her life depended on it.
She look down at Bizzy and bite her bottom lip, watching him.

"Oh Damn.."
She moaned softly, amazed at how perfectly his tongue went in and out her entrance.

At first they were going home and have sex but Kareema couldn't control her horniness so they decided to have sex at the front of the parking lot of P.F. Chang's.
Thankfully his windows are tinted, it can prevent people from looking inside.

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