Chapter 12:60

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It was a long time when the doctors were getting the operation done. It took us 3 hours waiting. We somehow fell asleep because when I woke up, it was already 1:40 am. Oh no, mom is going to kill me that Im coming home late. I woke the others up and the doctor suddenly walked towarda us. Saying the things that Id rather hear last before I die. "Im so sorry, but we did all we can. The baby was the only survivor. Rose was too weak that she died from pushing her son out." We all frozed because about the doctor said. But no one froze like Pearl did. She was standing there jearing the words coming out of the doctor saying that Rose was dead. She dashed to the Emergency Room as we followed her and found Rose's room, she went in and saw Rose's limp body, much worse from when we saw her. 

"Rose! You cant leave me!" Cried Pearl. "Rose please! Wake up! Please! Dont leave me! Im sorry I never said this to you before! But, I- Im in love with you! A-and I regret it that I didnt tell you sooner! Just please! Come back! Dont leave me! Im sorry that I didnt tell you sooner. Please dont leave me just like that! I love you!" She sobbed and sobbed. No one cried like Pearl did. Well we did cry, but not as like Pearl did. She was a wreck. It hurt me seeing Pearl like that. Jasper was too, crying so hard that her eyes were so red. But no one could beat Pearl, her eyes was so red it was so puffy, it looked like had allergies. Peridot ran off and I followed her. I looked everywhere for her. But she was nowhere. Until a certain place in the hospital that she could only be. The terrace. Just as I thought. She was there. "Peridot... Are you okay?" "N-no..." She cried. "I-its just..., I told that I would see her later, after the operation.... But.., now I cant." She said, balling her eyes out. "She even complimented my outfit earlier. *sob* was her last compliment to me. And, I....I... I-uh..." Peridot couldnt continue because she was hypervintilating. "Im sorry, I know what it feels like. I too is feeling the same way." 

"L-Lapis... Before I lose you too..., I want to say something.... Lapis, I-I like you. And I think im falling in love with you." She said. It actually made me smile for some reason. Knowing that she likes me too, was the second good thing that happened tonight. 


I just told her I like her. Confessing to her, made me feel lighter and it was also time to man up and tell her. I just hope she feels the same. 

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