Chapter 3:20

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Hey guys! Sorry for not updating! Lost my phone and wifi got cut, nothing about bad luck ey? Anyways, from those who are the readers of this book from Florida or near that spot, I really hope you guys are okay! Be careful! There might be shockwaves of that hurricane there! Keep safe! Love you guys!

After telling them the truth, they kept a look on Square and Bhannie. They were really trying to shake off the truth that they had just heard. 

We went to church after going to the beach (of course we wnet home first). After church, we dropped off at my house. "So guys, start of class tomorow, whats your first subject for tomorrow? Me and Pearl's Science." I said. "Mine is English." Amethyst said. "Math." Both Garnet and Jasper said. "What about you two?" I asked the blondes. "Oh, mines Social Studies." Peridot said. "Mine's French." I heard Square grunted and looked away. "Aw what? Seriously?" I said that made her jumped out of her seat and had a questioning face. "I love French class!" I exclaimed. I glanced at my wrist watch and saw that it was already 10:45 "Why dont we call it a night ey guys?" "Oh yeah sure!" "Yeah we should get going" "Its already late, lets go guys, me and Pearl live really far from here." Amethyst said.

The next thing i knew is that I was lying on my bed and finally, tiredness began to consume my body. I woke up at 6:08 in the morning. So, I managed to sleep for eight hours. Huh, lucky me. I went downstairs and went to the kitchen. When I entered the kitchen, I saw a note on the fridge. It was from Mom and Dad. 


      Sorry we didnt wait for you to wake up hon, we have a massive pile of meetings this week. So we wouldnt be able to have dinner with you for a few days. 

Eh its okay. Im used to it. When I scanned the room for food, i saw something on the table. It was a note but from who? I opened the plate behind the letter. I saw breakfast. I began to read the note as I munch on my toast bread and bacon strips. 

French fry, 

     Couldnt wake you up cause you were so cute! Lol! Anyways, i made you breakfast. Be careful on your way to school, its very windy outside. Mua love you! 

                                                               Ciao, 🔲⚫

I forgot that she still calls me that. I chuckled as I finish my breakfast. I glanced at the clock and saw that it was already 6:24. 1 more hour to go! I took a bath and got myself ready and went off.

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