Chapter 9:47

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"Hey... Lapis." Peridot said, kicking the pebble and hitting the pavement on the ground.
"What is it?" I asked. Putting my arms at the back of my head.
"Are you dating someone?" What wait? I-I mean wait what?
"M-me? D-dating s-s-someone? I- uh I don't know, I don't think so. Am I dating someone?" I stuttered in nowhere. Um I don't even know anymore. "Why do you ask?"
"Nothing. I just wondered that no huys hangout with you or court you."
Oh... Long story ehehehe....

"Mom! We're back!" I shouted as I took my wet shoes off. I went straight to my room and took off my clothes and put it in the laundry chute. "I'll take the bath first." I announced to Peridot who just entered the room.

After my bath, I saw Peridot just outside the bathroom sitting on the floor. "Peri, are you okay?" I asked.
"No. Im not. Im stuck. My arms are stuck on my wet shirt." She said tonelessly, while I, trying not to laugh about her idiocity.
"Come on stand up. I'll help you with that." I chuckled. "Stop laughing! Its not funny!" She started almost about to cry.
After I got her out of her shirt, I changed my clothes and tucked my body in my comfy blanket. "So... You gonna sleep?" Peri said. "No, not yet."
Scrolling on my newsfeed, I stopped at a certain picture. A post of Amethyst. It was a picture of Peri and Squaridot, smiling.
"Hey, what you got there?" Peri suddenly asked.  Her face fell. "Oh." She said and looked away.
"Do you miss her? Do you miss living with  your family?"  I kinda feel sad for Peridot. She's been living here in my place for like 4 months now. And it's really sad to see that she kinda misses her family. If I didnt existed, or went to the party or talked to Squaridot, this wouldn't happen. "You can go back if-"
"I'm not going back to that place and live with my sister under the same roof."
"Do you at least miss them?" I tried to ask.
"I do, but..., I don't think I'm ready to see her just yet."
"Dude! You guys like study in the same school and you see each other there! What do you mean you can't see her just yet?"
"You don't get it. You will never get it. I hate my twin sister she always takes away everything from me." I patted her back and wiped the tears from her eyes.  "She has everything I want." Peridot muttered but could still be heard. "I'm sorry for what I said." I kissed Peridot's head and played with  her hair until we both fell asleep.

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